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發表於 2018-7-24 11:19:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Chambers of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is facing several challenges including a severe staff shortage which is affecting its prosecution capability.This was revealed by DPP, Shalimar Ali-Hack, at the recently concluded National Conference on the Elimination of Violence against Women and Children.The two-day session held under the theme, “Break the Cycle, Take Control”, began on Tuesday and was facilitated by the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.Hack, who was speaking on the role of the prosecution, stated that the shortage has been hampering the effective functioning of the department.She noted that the already tiny chamber normally accommodates a complement of about 17 persons.However, only nine prosecutors are currently in the DPP’s employ.“The chamber is small and the usual complement is 17. We’re down to nine and we have to service all the counties in Guyana,” Hack disclosed.The Director also spoke on the different forms of violence ranging from spitting at someone to assault and grievous bodily harm to wounding.Hack said the first stage is the police report after which an investigation is done.Based on that, the police will prepare and file all the physical and other evidence available.She related that this information is then past on to the DPP who advises on likely charges.The DPP can also request that further investigations be carried out, more evidence is needed or decide whether charges should be laid at all. Citing an example of challenging prosecution, Hack said a man was caught lying on a little girl.Semen was also found on the girl’s body.However, a medical examination revealed that there was no sign of penetration.In these circumstances, not much can be done in relation to the maximum penalties and charges.Deputy Superintendent Derrick Josiah, in his presentation on the role of the police, emphasized the need for ranks to entertain all reports of domestic violence.Josiah stated that the Guyana Police Force is working with other social partners to reduce the level of domestic violence and child abuse nationally.The officer said that the Force has also adopted a zero tolerance approach to such behaviour.Permanent Secretary within the Human Services Ministry, Trevor Thomas,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, said that all stakeholders must collaborate to effectively address violence against children and women.According to Thomas, everyone has a role to play regardless of race, religion, age, gender or nationality.“We must realise that violence cuts across every social strata in society and we must deal with it in a comprehensive aggressive manner,” the Permanent Secretary said.

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