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發表於 2018-7-24 14:30:26 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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As thousands today participate in the Regional and General Elections, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) has sounded an appeal for Guyanese to accept the results, whatever they may be, in the interest of national peace.The appeal came from the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the PSC, Ramesh Persaud and Eddie Boyer who engaged members of the media after a meeting with President Donald Ramotar, at the latter’s Shiv Chandrapaul Drive, Georgetown residence Saturday morning.The PSC leaders made a call for all Guyanese to stay away from violence and ensure that the elections are conducted in a peaceful manner.Vice Chairman and Chairman of the PSC, Eddie Boyer and Ramesh PersaudToday, thousands of Guyanese will head to the polls to elect those they deem fit to govern the country, hopefully, for the next five years. Experts say this will be the most tightly contested elections in the history of the country.Thus far, the PSC said it is pleased with the level of preparation by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). However, Persaud after the meeting stated that the President highlighted some concerns but abstained from sharing those with the media.Persaud told reporters that the body is scheduled to also meet with Presidential Candidate of a Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), Brigadier David Granger as well as GECOM’s Chairman, Dr. Surujbally ahead of the polls.The PSC Chairman said “Our only concern is we have seen political parties set the stage in their campaigns and this is somewhat of a concern to us at this time; the rhetoric that came out of the campaign, we are somewhat concerned about that. We are concerned about the parties willingness to accept the results upon announcement.”“We believe that the systems of GECOM are quite good but the other concern is what we are looking forward for is that the staff of GECOM needs to deliver on the systems that were designed,” Persaud noted.The PSC Head highlighted “Based on where we sit right now it is not our understanding that both political parties are prepared for a loss.”Additionally, the body’s Vice Chairman reiterated calls for a free, fair and peaceful election. “We want to make sure we show the world that we are a people, we are a nation and I am appealing to all voters: vote, go home and please whatever the results are we have to accept it and that’s life. We are still Guyanese and we are hoping that life continues and we can build our country to be the best country in the world. Please, please, stay away from the violence. Stay away from anything that is inciting and we are appealing,” Boyer pleaded.Politicians are often times fingered for the inciting language they use on the campaign trail but pressed by members of the media whether he had any words for the politicians, Boyer said “Politicians are politicians. Politics is almost like a business right and you are inside for not your good health only so I’m appealing to the people: listen to the politicians, listen to your parties. Vote,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Womens, do whatever you had to do but please don’t get into violence, mischief and all of that. Don’t break up your country.”Also, the PSC will form part of the observer teams that will be out on elections day. Persaud told media operatives “Our observers are embedded within the Electoral Assistance Bureau (EAB) who intended to field more than 900 observers so we have contributed to that process. We will be putting together and working with the EAB to put out a report on the process.”The PSC Head expressed hope that “those who will be in power and will have the ability to make changes that are recommended, subsequently will. We are conscious that lots of recommendations made in the past have not been implemented and I am not sure of the reason for that, but I believe coming out of this elections and the room that we have after this we should spend some time looking at the concerns raised by observers and implement some of those changes.”

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