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發表於 2018-7-24 14:44:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Despite reported concerns about the future of the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI), coupled with plans byHealth MinisterDr Bheri Ramsaranthe Ministry of Health to bring on board a number of overseas-based partners to aid the delivery of cardiac care, Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran is adamant that the CHI’s role is yet important to the local health sector.During an interview with this publication, he said that although moves have been made to build the cardiac capacity of the public health sector “we would still want that (CHI) relationship to continue.”  The Minister was at the time seeking to appease concerns suggestive of a strained relationship between founder and Chief Executive Officer of CHI, Dr. Gary Stephens, and the Ministry of Health.Dr. Stephens had intimated concerns about the possible closure of CHI, if efforts were not made by the Ministry of Health to swiftly put in place a new Cardiac Catheterization (Cath) laboratory.CHI opened its doors in 2006 as a public/private partner to offer quality cardiac care. However,Cheap NHL Jerseys, Dr. Stephens at the end of last year expressly spoke of a possible collapse of the institution. “Any day now our machine can suffer a catastrophic failure, and even if it doesn’t, I don’t see us surviving the next six months,” Dr. Stephens asserted in December.This publication understands that it was around 2011 that the management of CHI had consulted with Government about acquiring a new Cardiac Cath Lab,Cheap Hurricanes Jerseys, in light of the fact that its equipment was nearing the end of its lifespan.Reports are that there were expectations that moves would have been made to put in place a lab that could do both cardiology intervention and cardiac surgery in a single room, using a Hybrid machine. With a Hybrid machine in place, CHI, and by extension Guyana,Air Max 2018 Shoes, would have been the first in the Caribbean to offer such advanced technology.Construction of the Cath Lab should have been completed within two months, but 14 months later works were still being done,Blank Arsenal Jersey UK, thus,Alexandre Burrows Jersey, the Hybrid machine which was delivered by the United States-based General Electric was left sitting on the ground floor of the hospital covered by a tarpaulin.The state of affairs was understandably a cause for concern to Dr. Stephens.But according to Minister Ramsaran, although “we have been busy building capacity” there still exists a need for collaboration with CHI which is a company that is legally incorporated here in Guyana.“I don’t want to get in the head of Dr. Stephens; I don’t know that he has expressed confusion (but) we are moving ahead as per normal creating this wide, expanding, non-exclusionary (partnership)…welcoming everybody on board, providing of course that they have the necessary requisite and claim to fame,” said the Minister.As he shared his conviction that Guyana is as good as any place in terms of offering quality health care, the Health Minister amplified the need to focus more attention on cardiac care. “Things are happening to develop our cardiac services, and so a main part is training. We can have the best equipment; we can have the best services, but we need the training of our young doctors and nurses…”He further emphasised that key and critical in the delivery of this level of health care is ensuring that quality post-operative care is available to patients, who he noted, are particularly vulnerable.“So it is not simply doing the high-end stuff in the theatre…Where is the Anaesthesiologist afterwards? Where are the specially-trained nurses afterwards? Where are the ICU services for these patients, both paediatric and adults and so on?” the Minister asked,Pat Tillman Cardinals Jersey, as he sought to underscore that Guyana is on course to ensure that all of these needs are effectively catered to with the support of strategic partners.

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