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Womens Nike Air Max 270 Coral Stardust Shoes “Designers came from Jamaica









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發表於 2018-7-24 15:36:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana Fashion Weekend audition for designers and models is carded for Tower Hotel on July 5 and 6 from 14:00hrs.  Models are advised to walk with one picture and heels for female, while designers are asked to walk with sketches or portfolio and two completed outfits.Fashion designer Sonia Noel,Off White Air Max 97 For Sale, who is also the founder/CEO of Guyana Fashion Weekend, has announced that Hollywood actress, Anna Maria Horsford, has been named as a spokesperson of Guyana Fashion Weekend 2009.Celebrating its third anniversary,NBA Jerseys Store, Guyana Fashion Weekend (GFW) 2009 is scheduled for August 29 – August 30 at Princess Buddy’s International Hotel, which is the official home of the event. It will also house the celebrities carded to participate as well as the regional and international media, designers and models.Noel said that her team will be using the poolside and a catwalk will be extended into the pool, while the lobby will be transformed into a green carpet arrival to highlight the environment, a cause that will be adopted by GFW this year.She said, too, that the closing night will be red carpeted, while this year’s extravaganza will feature a cadre of Guyana’s most talented fashion designers as well as special guest designers from the U.S. and the Caribbean region.“We are so pleased to have Anna Maria Horsford as our spokesperson. Since her presence last year for GFW, she has singlehandedly touted our efforts and has given GFW and Guyana maximum exposure,World Baseball Classic Jerseys 2017,” noted SoniaGFW US liaison,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens Trainers, Walter Greene, said that because of Anna’s presence here last year, his phone has not stopped ringing with queries about the event and Guyana.Noel who confirmed that the actress will once again be in Guyana for GFW 2009, said that other surprise celebrity fashion guests are expected to be present.In response to her GFW spokesperson status,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Women, Miss Horsford said: “No one will argue that Guyana is a wealthy country. Many might base this fact on the gold or diamond mines, or the majestic waters of the Kaieteur Falls and the un-spoilt Rain Forest. But I assure you, what I would place on the top of the list is the Guyanese hospitality. After spending a week in this country for its second annual Guyana Fashion Weekend, I was blown into the hearts of its people.”Horsford also said, “Designers came from Jamaica, Trinidad, Antigua, the British Virgin Islands and the U.S.A., as well as a pool of local artistes to showcase their amazing creations.“What impressed me most was the creativity and range of craftsmen  from 16-year-old twin, to women who have been designing for more than 20 years. The level of professionalism from the models and the designers exceeded expectations. This was truly a gem in South America. I am honoured to be asked to be the Spokesperson for Guyana Fashion Weekend 2009.”Born in New York City to parents from the Dominican Republic and Antigua, Anna has appeared in more than 60 movies and television shows,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, including Thelma Frye on the TV sitcom ‘Amen’ and as the guard Dee in ‘The Wayans Brothers’ Television show. She is in the process of developing an artiste community in upstate New York and continuing to expand on her growing jewelry line which she debut at Guyana Fashion Weekend last year.

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