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發表於 2018-7-24 16:47:44 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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This is Tourism Awareness Month, and it is being observed under the theme “Tourism is everybody’s business” and one way Guyanese are being asked to make tourism their business is by beautifying the country.Towards this end, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) in collaboration with the National Parks Commission will begin developing a cactus mound in the Botanical Gardens on Saturday.According to Ohene Koama, the Administrative Manager of the GTA, people are being encouraged to come out to the event and help to plant a cactus. For those who don’t have a cactus plant to walk with,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Online, the Guyana Horticultural Society will have on sale. You can choose to buy one and plant it, or you can choose to take it home.In addition, Koama told Kaieteur News that unique activity will be opportunities to trade one cactus for another,Air Max 270 Sale, while there will be a “cactus auction” for rare species.The GTA will be handing out plant seeds to those who attend the event so as to encourage them to beautify their yards and surroundings.Koama said that citizens are being encouraged to plant a tree or flowers along their parapets,Cheap Hurricanes Jerseys, instead of dumping and burning garbage there.He said this is just one of the activities this month to make Guyanese more aware of their role in developing Guyana as a tourist destination.In addition,Nike Air Max Zero White, Guyanese are being encouraged to beautify the various areas identified as tourism destinations. These include Kaieteur Falls,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, the country’s waterfall renowned for its sheer drop of 741-feet.Managing Director of Rainforest Tours, Frank Singh, has been leading the way in getting Guyanese to visit Kaieteur Falls.On October 14, Rainforest Tours, which operates out of Hotel Tower, in collaboration with Air Services Limited,College Jerseys, launched a drive to get more Guyanese to visit the Falls at a reduced price.Singh, who is not new to domestic tourism initiatives, said that he has been keen on getting more locals to visit Kaieteur since President Bharrat Jagdeo called on local tourism operators to promote domestic tourism.The special package to Kaieteur allows 13 Guyanese to visit the Falls every Saturday at a reduced cost. The special package runs until the end of this year.Singh has been leading tourists, mainly Europeans, to Kaieteur since 1995.A cactus plant

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