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發表於 2018-7-24 22:46:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After examining the 2007 financial statements of the Cricket World Cup (CWC), Auditor General (AG),Former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni SinghDeodat Sharma, found glaring irregularities and as such, could not award it with a clean bill of health. He was left with no choice but to stamp it with a qualified opinion.However, a forensic audit report on NICIL has revealed that former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, instructed NICIL’s Chief Executive Officer Winston Brassington to remove the AG’s opinion from the report.To support this, the report made reference to the minutes on NICIL’s board meeting of February 29, 2012, where Brassington referred to the qualified opinion issued by the Auditor General on the Cricket World Cup 2007 accounts.The former Minister of Finance was recorded as having stated that “The AG’s qualification of the accounts needs to be removed from CWC Inc.’s Annual Report.”Chartered Accountant, Anand Goolsarran,Cheap Jets Jerseys, said that it is not clear if NICIL followed through with Dr. Singh’s instructions but noted that if it did, then such an action would be considered an act of professional misconduct.Goolsarran said that the minutes of the meeting also revealed that NICIL was also asked to produce a paper for the former Cabinet to “debunk allegations in the accounts and otherwise but AS/HPS will (Ashni Singh or former Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon) speak to our principals first. Once a mechanism is cleared then NICIL should pursue the AG to remove the qualifications.”He emphasized however that any intervention by NICIL and/or Cabinet to influence the work of the Auditor General is inappropriate.In defence of Dr. Singh’s actions, NICIL commented that “The draft audit opinion contained qualifications due to the lack of information that was under the control of third parties and not under NICIL. The help of the Minister and HPS was sought to nudge the relevant ministries to provide outstanding documents/information, so the qualification could be removed.”Forensic Auditor of NICIL, Anand GoolsarranThe report also noted that NICIL received amounts of $150 million and $300 million from the Guyana National Co-operative Bank and the Guyana Forestry Commission respectively for the Cricket World Cup.According to a letter dated March 21, 2007 from Head of the Presidential Secretariat to the Executive Director of NICIL, reference was made to a Cabinet decision of March 13, 2007 for these sums to be used to support the Local Organizing Committee Guyana Inc. in meeting expenditure relating to the hosting of the 2007 Cricket World Cup.A further amount of the $200 million was received from the Guyana Frequency Management Unit.NICIL then provided Goolsarran with a schedule of payments totaling $678.620 million, $28.620 million in excess of the amount of $650 million received from the three agencies.At the meeting of NICIL’s Board on September 3, 2008, the Executive Director indicated that NICIL had not received an audit report and that the accounts were showing a large pay-out.Brassington stated that he spoke to the former Minister of Finance who recommended that the possibility of issuing shares in the Cricket World Cup Inc. be explored.In this regard, Goolsarran said, “Such a recommendation should have been rejected since transferring the payments made by NICIL to equity contribution is not a substitute for ensuring their proper accountability. Suffice it to state that in 2007, that is one year earlier, NICIL had already added the Cricket World Cup Inc. to its list of investments in subsidiaries in the identical sum of $28.620 million.”

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