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發表於 2018-7-25 09:18:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Blue Band’s “Grow Well Live Well” had its third and final drawing’s presentation ceremony yesterday afternoon at Bounty Supermarket.  Prizes were awarded to both adults and children in this final draw.The winners and their prizes included in the children’s “Grow Well” category were; Destiny Atwell from Victoria Village, East Coast Demerara, who won herself the table tennis set; Joshua Fernandes from Newtown, won a ten-inch Samsung mini-laptop computer; Ryan Munroe from East Bank Demerara won an eight-gigabyte memory iPod Nano; Savannah Leung from Newtown,  won herself the Wii Sport and Console; Stephonie Embleton from Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo, won the Mountain Bike and Asif Gulob from Prashad Nagar won the Portable Basket Ball System.The “Live Well” adult winners were Naleni Prasaud from Cummings Lodge who won a GE Microwave Oven, Maureen Shivbaran from Agricola won the 24-inch Indurama gas stove with oven; Vineeta Lildar from Goed Fortuin won the Black and Decker Convection Oven; Camille Woolford from Georgetown won the Oster Stand Mixer; Paul (no last name provided) and his aunt from Golden Grove,Brent Seabrook Jersey, East Bank Demerara won the Oster Food Steamer on behalf of his mother who could not be there and Parbati Dookram from Enterprise; East Coast Demerara won the Oster Pressure Cooker.Joshua Fernandes, who won the Samsung mini laptop, was represented by his mother who was in all exhilaration for her son’s win. She picked the chit randomly from a bag.  She exclaimed, “My son will love this.  He will be overwhelmed.”His mother admitted that she felt “great.”Ryan Munroe who won the iPod Nano expressed the identical sentiments of feeling great and happy as Joshua’s mother.  Asif Gulob said that he has one brother when asked by Mark Kendall, the Marketing Coordinator of Bryden and Fernandes about how many siblings are in his family with whom he can share his new toy.He felt happy also about his Portable Basket Ball System.Maureen Shivbaran who won the 24-inch Indurama Gas Stove with oven, humorously quipped to the crowd’s amusement, “I going home and bake!”The Marketing Coordinator of Bryden and Fernandes Incorporated, Mark Kendall, congratulated all of the winners over the past six weeks.  Within this time, there were a total of 36 winners from the entire promotion.Twelve winners were at the final draw on Friday.

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