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Nike Roshe Run For Cheap ” the Guyana Women’s Leadership Institute









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發表於 2018-7-25 15:29:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– 298 women graduate after training through Guyana Women’s Leadership InstitutionUnder the theme, “Capacity Building for Skills Advancement,” the Guyana Women’s Leadership Institute (GWLI) and the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security seek to provide support to underprivileged persons and single parents.GWLI held their 10th graduation celebration last Friday where 298 women received diplomas on the lawns of Cove and John, East Coast Demerara. The period of training the graduates underwent lasted from 2009-2010.Among the many guests at the graduation were Prime Minister Samuels Hinds,Boston Bruins Gear, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour,Alexander Volkov Jersey, Human Services and Social Security Trevor Thomas, Director of Social Services, Wentworth Tanner and Chairperson, Woman, Gender and Equality Commission Indranie Chandarpal.Prime Minister Samuel Hinds stated that the PPP/C Government has always focused on ensuring improved living conditions and betterment for Guyanese and has worked to ensure programmes that empower persons so that they can in turn contribute to their own self development.Hinds explained to the graduates that the training course should put them on the first step towards a career that should not only bring them recognition but, also self development and wealth.According to Indranie Chandarpal the journey of women empowerment began in 1953 when women in Guyana, irrelevant of class,Air Max 97 For Sale, race or religion were able to cast their vote for the first time.Coordinator, GWLI,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Women, Sheila Veersammy stated that for over three decades she has worked with the institution dealing with women across the length and breadth of Guyana and witnessed the gradual and positive changes taking place with the women who would have benefited from the institution’s training.“Alternative education is the medium through which women can use to climb out of their improvised state and claim their dignity and respect in the world of work and success,” Veersammy said.GWLI offers six months training in the following areas; Capacity Building for Leadership, Sewing, Garment Construction and Fabric Designing, Food Preparation and Catering and Information technology and Office Procedure.The institution implemented training programmes that benefited 111 women in the hinterland communities for 2009-2010. In  Region Seven, 33 women benefited from a workshop held in Kamarang in 2009 and in Kwakwani, Region Ten, 32 women benefited from a similar workshop.Workshops were also conducted in Mahdia,Throwback Jerseys, Region 8 and again in Kwakwani, Region 10 in 2010. The women in Mahdia benefited from training in Sewing and Garment Construction.The institution is a department within the Ministry of Labour,Anthony Steen Dolphins Jersey, Human Services and Social Security designed to function within the Women’s Affairs Bureau and to collaborate with the National Research and Documentation Centre for Gender and Development.Minister Priya Manickchand has supervised GWLI for the last five years; witnessing 1016 women from all 10 regions being trained. The institute’s training courses were extended to rural and hinterland communities in 2005 according to the Minister.Veersammy stated that GWLI and the graduates stand as testimony of the struggles and achievement of women today in Guyana. The institution was envisioned and implemented to give women the added impetus to upgrade their lives and to serve as a stepping stone forward, she added.

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