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Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes Jason Hussain.According to a police source









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發表於 2018-7-25 20:34:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 23-year-old truck driver of Lot 1126 Edinburgh Village,Nike Air Max 2018 Womens, East Bank Berbice, is counting his blessings after being shot at during an armed robbery at his home.Home of Edinburgh truck driver,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, Jason Hussain.According to a police source, Jason Hussain, who lives with his wife, three-month-old baby,Nike Roshe Run Women, brother-in-law and mother-in-law, was alone at home when he heard a noise in one of the rooms in the house.Hussain told investigators that he was having dinner at the time and got up to check when he saw a man armed with a cutlass and masked,Alexander Nylander Jersey, already halfway through the window entering the house. He stated that he threw his plate with food in the perpetrators face to distract him and ran towards the front door. It was while opening the door that he was confronted by two other masked men,Calgary Flames Gear, dressed in black clothes and gloves,Adidas Nmd Shoes For Sale, armed with a cutlass and gun.The bandit holding the gun allegedly fired a shot in Hussain’s direction but he dodged, the bullet hit a refrigerator that was located behind him and passed through. Hussain told investigators that he fell to ground while both men entered the house and eventually tied him up before he could raise an alarm to alert his neighbours.He added that while he was tied up the men ransacked the home in search of cash and jewellery. The perpetrators searched two of the three bedrooms since only two were occupied.Hussain disclosed that the men escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash, two gold wedding rings belonging to himself and wife, a Plum cellular phone and some other gold jewellery belonging to his mother-in-law.He stated that his mother-in-law and wife were not at home when the robbery occurred. The man also stated that after the bandits escaped he managed to untie himself and alerted the neighbours and the authorities who responded swiftly.Hussain told police that the perpetrators would not have escaped with much money since they do not keep large sums of cash in their home due to religious beliefs.The police source stated that the police response time has reduced tremendously as a result of the upcoming Christmas season with more patrols active on the roadways.When Kaieteur News showed up at the house, the mother-in-law, Angelina Sattaur, stated that she was too traumatized to speak to the media. The robbery took place at approximately 20:00 hrs Friday night.No one has since been arrested and investigations continue.

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