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Cheap Air Max 90 Shoes she saw Zackarias lying motionless









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發表於 2018-7-26 06:51:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A post mortem examination performed on the body of Greek national, Vlachakis Zackarias, has confirmed that the gunshot wound he sustained to the right temple was self-inflicted.Zackarias, 54, was found dead early yesterday morning by his wife Rosemarie Budarsingh,Authentic Carolina Panthers Jersey, minutes after the couple had been engaged in an argument at their 123 Ramsingh Street, Annandale,Ales Hemsky Jersey, East Coast Demerara residence.Although the police had recovered a .32 revolver next to the dead man’s body, they did not assume that his death was a case of suicide. As a precaution they had swabbed the dead man’s hands as well as those of his wife.But according to a source close to the investigation,Angel Di Maria Jersey, the pathologist who performed the post mortem suggested that the trajectory of the bullet wound indicated that it was self-inflicted.This coupled with the fact that Zackarias was right-handed, convinced police that his death was suicide.Zacharias,Cheap Air Max 90 For Sale, and his wife of 10 years,Calvin Ridley Jersey, lived with their eight-year-old son and operated a fast food/water distribution business. They also have a poultry farm at Grassfield, Mahaica Creek.Neighbours said that the couple had had previous domestic quarrels.On Tuesday, neighbours said that they heard the couple quarrelling incessantly.They also heard the shattering of glass which suggested that the argument was more violent than normal. A brief period of silence ensued followed by a loud explosion.Budarsingh had told investigators that following their argument, her husband went into his study and locked the door from inside. She said she heard the gunshot and upon peering through a bottom flat window,Cheap Nike Shox Shoes, she saw Zackarias lying motionless, slumped in a sofa.The woman broke the window and according to her, only then did she realize that her husband had shot himself.She summoned a relative and then drove to the Vigilance Police Station where she reported the matter.Kaieteur News understands that Zacharias and Budarsingh had met more than a decade ago while she was living in Berbice.Police said that the Greek national who is a naturalized Guyanese was previously a licenced firearm holder but had lost his weapon when a boat he owned sunk in the Mahaica Creek a few years ago.Zackarias’s death is being linked to his apparent frustration over heavy indebtedness to a city bank.This newspaper understands that he had threatened to kill himself on a previous occasion and had even asked his wife to take his son to Greece.There are also reports that another son, from a previous relationship in his homeland, had visited Guyana and had made off with a significant amount of his money.

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