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Alexandre Texier Jersey Walcott says









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發表於 2018-7-26 06:53:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Vanessa Walcott is a 38-year-old widow who sports dreadlocks and two gold-capped teeth.That in itself is no crime,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Trainers, but Walcott, who has seven children, also bears an uncanny resemblance to another woman with a history of shoplifting.A few weeks ago,Air Max 97 For Sale Cheap, police spotted Walcott near Eve Leary, mistook her for the other woman, and arrested her on a shoplifting charge.Despite her denials, she was fingerprinted, handcuffed and taken to the East La Penitence Police Station.Walcott was incarcerated for a week before the police realized their mistake and only when they arrested the real shoplifter.But Walcott says her job is now in jeopardy. According to her, she has been told by her employers that she must provide them with a document from the police that clears her name.But Walcott says police officials are refusing to acknowledge their error, in writing.Walcott has been employed at an East Bank Demerara entity for the past five years.According to the woman,Anthony Steen Dolphins Jersey, her troubles began on April 17, when she visited Police Headquarters,Cheap Jets Jerseys, Eve Leary to make a report on behalf of a relative.While she was in the compound, a police inspector allegedly informed Walcott that he would like to see her.“He asked me if I had any police story and I said no. Then he asked my name and say they have a warrant out for me.”It was then that Walcott learned that a policewoman had informed the inspector that a warrant was out for Walcott for shoplifting from a city store.The woman alleged that despite her denials, she was detained for several hours at Eve Leary before being taken to the East La Penitence Police Station,St. Louis Blues Gear, where she spent seven days in the lockups.On the seventh day, the police brought the real shoplifter to the lockups.Walcott said that she bears an uncanny resemblance to the other woman.Both women sport dreadlocks and have two front teeth capped with gold.According to her, even the shoplifter expressed concern at Walcott’s wrongful arrest.Kaieteur News understands that the culprit was recently convicted in Berbice for shoplifting a bottle of rum.Walcott alleged that when she turned up at her workplace,Cheap Nike Basketball Jerseys, an official informed her that she would have to get a statement from the police which cleared her of the charge, or face the prospect of losing her job.This, Walcott says, proved to be easier said than done, since police officials she contacted were reluctant to furnish her with the document.Eventually, after taking her plight to the Police Complaints Authority, she was given a police clearance.Yesterday, an official at the entity at which Walcott is employed indicated that she is likely to retain her job once she furnishes them with the document.

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