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Cheap Throwback NBA Jerseys moreso a Bishop









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發表於 2018-7-26 12:16:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– seeking damages in excess of $50MChairman of the Ethnic Relation Commission (ERC) Bishop Juan Edghill has filed a constitutional motion against television owner Chandra Narine Sharma and popular commentator and former Member of Parliament Anthony Vieira.Bishop Juan EdghillAnthony Vieira Through his lawyers Anil Nandlall, Euclin Gomes and Manoj Narayan, the Bishop filed his lawsuit yesterday which seeks $50M in damages for a commentary which was aired earlier this month on Channel Six, which is owned by Sharma.The two defendants are commanded within ten days to file a defence. Failing to do so, judgment may be given against them in their absence.In the statement of claim,Air Max 90 Black And White Mens, it was on May 4, last,Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap, that Sharma published and broadcast a commentary by Vieira which allegedly caused defamation towards Edghill.In his claim, the Bishop said that the commentary has caused him to look corrupt and as a political stooge. Furthermore he says that the commentary makes him appear to be intentionally marginalising and discriminating against persons on the basis of their religion, ethnicity and race.The claim further states that the views expressed during the commentary made Edghill appear to be a racist and a religious bigot, unlawfully holding the position of Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission. Also,Cheap Hurricanes Jerseys, it continues, it caused him to look like he was engaged in a racial and religious conspiracy to deprive the citizens of this country of their rights and constitutional freedoms, and also to accept bribes from the President of Guyana.Moreover, the Chairman alleges that the commentary caused him to appear to be unfit to be a religious leader,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, moreso a Bishop, and is unfit to hold any public office; further is unfit to hold any constitutional office and is a criminal and has a criminal history and reputation.Chandra Narine Sharma In consequence of this claim, Edghill’s lawyers are claiming that his reputation has been seriously damaged and he suffered considerable distress, embarrassment,Nike Roshe Run Online Shop, public humiliation and ridicule.They are now seeking damages in excess of $25M for libelous statements published by the two named defendants on May 4, last,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, and $25M for aggravated and punitive damages.Further they are also asking for an injunction restraining the defendants by themselves, their servants or agents from repeating or republishing the said or similar libel of and concerning Edghill.

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