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發表於 2018-7-26 13:04:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A decade ago, the Essequibo Technical Institute,Cheap Air Max 95 Sale, at Anna Regina, was established from a project by the Guyana Government, through the Ministry of Education. Work on the facility began in June,Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap, 2000.In observance of the institution’s tenth anniversary, the administrators hosted a career day fair on the lawns of the school.The career day fair was intended to enable students to be exposed to various future career opportunities.To commence the actual anniversary celebrations there were prayers by the three main religious bodies.There were also cultural items by students of the technical institute.Principal,Off White Nike Vapormax 2018, Michael Turner told students and stakeholders that Essequibo’s technical institution is a direct result and demand of society for skilled manpower, persons of high standing, and people who are able to contribute to innovations,World Cup Jerseys 2018, assume responsibilities and be members of the supervisory force in business and industry.Turner noted that the vastly growing institution firmly embodies the principles to create a working environment for skilled personnel.The executive body aims at further improving the competence of the staff, Turner added. He believes that this will further lend to a more improved working environment for both students and teachers.“Our aim at E.T.I,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, is to provide technical skills and training; we want to move to that place also where our certificates are recognised, both in the Caribbean and internationally.”Turner, who said he wants to see the student population increased to 720, within the next two years, also urged the students at E.T.I. to become inventors.E.T.I currently facilitates students from Regions One, Two and Seven. It is in the process of constructing a $28M dormitory in the compound.The day’s event climaxed with the distribution of certificates of recognition to participating entities,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey, among them Guyana Power and Light,Carlton Fisk Jersey, Republic Bank, Guyana Forestry Commission and GTM, Group of companies.

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