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Nike Air Max 1 From China many years of estrogen exposure…









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發表於 2018-7-26 17:10:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While some men are at risk for breast cancer,Cheap NHL Jerseys, all women are at risk,Nike Air Max 1 Womens Sale, since some of the risks associated with the latter group contracting the disease are not controllable.Oncology Surgeon,Dr. Theophilus Lewis.This assertion was recently made by United States-based Oncology Surgeon, Dr. Theophilus Lewis.At a recent seminar held at the National Library which was spearheaded by United States-based Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), Organisation for Social and Health Advancement in Guyana (OSHAG), Dr. Lewis revealed that age and family history are among the biggest risk factors for contracting the disease.According to Dr. Lewis, he currently has five patients in his care receiving treatment for breast cancer. All of these patients are in their 30s. But treating persons for the disease at such an age is rather unusual. He pointed out that the incidence of a young woman contracting the disease in her 30s is very small – 0.4 percent.The focus on breast cancer usually starts when a woman turns 40.According to Dr. Lewis, “the reason that we concentrate on 40 and above is because once you hit 40 your incidence doubles…it goes from 0.4 to 1.46 and each decade it becomes more and more of a risk factor,Air Max 270 Sale, that is why age is one of the primary risk factors for breast cancer.”Dr. Lewis emphasised, too, that estrogen is a driver for breast cancer. This therefore means that if a woman has a long exposure to estrogen, which is not interrupted by pregnancies, there is a greater risk factor for breast cancer.Estrogen can be defined as a female steroid hormone that is produced by the ovaries and, in lesser amounts, by the adrenal cortex, placenta,Cheap NHL Jerseys, and male testes. Estrogen helps control and guide sexual development, including the physical changes associated with puberty.The Oncology Surgeon moreover revealed that “those (female) patients who have their periods very early, like at age nine or 10,Boston Celtics Jerseys, and they menstruate into their 50s, they have had many, many years of estrogen exposure…” But if those years of exposure are broken up by pregnancies, this increased risk is considerably reduced, Dr. Lewis said, even as he pointed out that a pregnancy is regarded as a protective period.However, he informed that a woman who conceives and gives birth after the age of 34 or 35 will likely lose the protection from estrogen by that age,Cheap Air Max Shoes With Free Shipping, and will also be at high risk of developing cancer.Since it is not usual for young women to develop breast cancer at a young age, Dr. Lewis sought to explain the process, pointing out that when a woman is young, estrogen stores in the fat. The more obese a woman is, the more fat she is likely to be able to store. But although a woman stops making estrogen when she is older and begins menopause, the estrogen already stored in the fat makes them more at risk for developing cancer.For this reason, Dr. Lewis noted that the developing breast cancer is not necessarily impacted by what you eat, but due to the amount of estrogen you are able to store because of overweight. Other risk factors include family history.Added to this, Dr. Lewis said that a woman’s susceptibility to breast cancer will be high if she had cancer in one breast in the past. In fact he disclosed that a woman is five times more at risk of developing cancer in the other breast.In order to safeguard against developing breast cancer in both breasts over time, Dr. Lewis said that some women have requested that both their breasts be removed. But this practice is one that society often frowns upon, he noted. This is in light of the fact, he related, that “there is no clear cut evidence that taking off both of your breast is going to increase your life expectancy.”

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