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Nike Men Air Max 97 For Sale facilitator Natasha Subero









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Republic Bank Guyana Limited,Authentic NBA T-shirts Canada, through its Berbice branches and its commercial customer business programme,J.R. Smith Jersey, in collaboration with the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, University of the West Indies successfully completed a five-week training programme for young business entrepreneurs in Berbice.Manager of Republic Bank Rose Hall Leon Mc Donald delivering the feature addressEleven completed the training programme which was held once weekly at the Little Rock Suites, Main and Church Streets, New Amsterdam.The young business entrepreneurs are now equipped with the knowledge and interpersonal skills to oversee the expansion of the respective business projects.The programme, which is an ongoing effort by Republic Bank with assistance from the revered Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, prepares participants for successful planning, organising and operating small to medium size businesses in various sectors in our economy.The programme which started in September 2010 saw a specially selected group of customers from the Ancient County benefiting from training aimed at improving their ability to assess and understand the business environment and effectively drive business strategy.The participants are also trained to implement,Bill Lee Jersey, financial management tips and techniques and marketing in the face of new challenges.The programme is designed to prepare entrepreneurs for successful planning,Throwback Jerseys, organising and operating small to medium size businesses in various sectors within the economy. The programme also seeks to create a network of business professionals equipped with the tools to enhance their business and increase productivity.Speaking at the closing ceremony, Manager of Republic Bank New Amsterdam branch, Imran Saccoor, noted that the bank has already seen noteworthy results for some of those who participated. He said that the skills acquired will help them to manage the challenges which lie ahead.Manager of the Rose Hall Branch, Leon Mc Donald,Stitched Canada NBA Jerseys, who delivered the feature address,Nike Air Max 90 Black Women, stated that the bank is likely to benefit indirectly from the knowledge acquired by the entrepreneurs. He stated that the bank remains committed to advancing strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).Speaking with this publication, facilitator Natasha Subero, of Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, said entrepreneurs who have the skills to start a business may not have the skill to grow that business.The participants pose with their certificates and with Manager of Republic Bank facilitator Ms. Natasha Subero.“Some persons may lack the ability to communicate effectively with employees or may not be able to master human relations skills.”The entrepreneurs included persons in the electrical field, advertising, poultry, auto sales, pest control and agriculture.The facilitators were Mr. Hilary Bengochea, Mr. Nigel Chinapoo and Ms. Natasha Subero, lecturers at the Author Lok Jack Graduate School of Business University Of The West Indies

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