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發表於 2018-7-27 01:56:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…BK Intl declares war on Minister BulkanBy: Shyon HoppieThe construction giant BK International (BKI) which is currently operating the Haags Bosch Sanitation Landfill (BHSL) on the East Bank of Demerara under a contract by the previous administration has come under great scrutiny by the New Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, in recent times.In recent times at the BHSL, BK Intl along with staff of the landfill held a press conference and tour of the site to challenge the minister’s statement which is allegedly a personal attack by the minister on the company based on past grievances.It is believed by the company that the current issues may have arisen from a past grievance between BK Intl and Bulkan’s Timber Works however the Minister denies that allegation and said that” it’s a matter of different opinion”.A while ago, the Minister via another media outlet was quoted as saying that, “BHSL is a disaster and an environmental time bomb,” declaring that the construction giant failed in its management of the site and that the government wants it gone since he claims that the site does not meet the designed requirements.A section of the Haags Bosch Sanitary LandfillContrary to that, BK Intl said that they cannot complete the landfill site and operate 100 per cent because of the vagueness of the initial contract between them and the previous government, which they thought was,Carlton Fisk Jersey, being reviewed in good faith by the current administration in their present discussions.At the head of the press conference was Lionel Kandasammy, site manager of BHSL, Alex Graham, Public Relations Officer of BK Intl, Brian Tiwarie, owner of BK Intl, amongst other representatives of the company.According to Mr Kandasammy, from the inception the contract between BKI and the then Local Government Ministry had many shortcomings. “It was extremely vague, did not provide clear instructions and some instances sufficient instructions to BKI on various key aspects of the project,” he said.He also added that, “the reality of some of the shortcomings of the contract became very acute as clearly this project could not be manage in the conventional manner of planning, organizing, integrating and measuring results, but on the crisis management based on vague instructions through the contract and the daily stress of having cordial working relationship with the ministry’s personnel.”Despite these challenges and impediments, he said BKI is committed to providing the best possible service at the HBSL facility.The facility which houses refuse from the city and other neighbouring communities is partially completed and BKI defends this sighting that the Government of Guyana is yet to pay them from June 2014 to present and honour their side of the contract.This was ordered by the High Court of Guyana at a recent hearing but to date the company is yet to be paid.Brian Tiwarie, Director of BKI, has since said that he is ready to challenge the Minister to bring forth any international or local contractors, since he proclaims to be the person who built local contractors in Guyana.The Business tycoon made it clear that it is not that he does not want to walk from the project but because of the fact that he is owed a large sum of money for works. He also stated that with the previous Government he walked away from the said project and within three days he had to re-sign the contract because no one else could’ve completed the job.In his statements Mr Tiwarie said he is going to work on challenging the Minister in showing him where he is dishonest, corrupt or ever did wrong in anyway.“The Ministry never sue me but they might sue me now because I am going to fight with the Minister… I’ve broken the monopoly PL 480 in Guyana… I am qualified, financially sound and he (the Minister) can’t make those statements against me,” Mr Tiwarie said.He further continued by saying, “I am reviewing this with my lawyers to see if I can take legal actions against Mr Bulkan, I do not want to say much but the court will decide.”After the said press conference members of the media and other workers of BKI were given a complete tour of the facility and invited to eat in the canteen area of the main building in the compound of the BHSL.The tour was given in parts to cover each square inch of the landfill with complete description of the operations and what works are yet to be done to complete the facilities. The HBSL is currently processing over 15000 tons of refuse as of May 18 which was suggested by the company as the time the massive clean-up drive in Guyana started.

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