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發表於 2018-7-27 05:03:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Deputy Mayor of New Amsterdam, Harold Debydeen, at a press briefing on Monday responded to what he termed “insane” comments made by former Mayor Errol Alphonso.The conference was held in the Chamber of The Mayor and Town Council.Debydeen stated, “With reference to an article which appeared in the Friday, February 24 Edition of the Kaieteur News, where former Mayor of New Amsterdam Errol Alphonso during a press briefing on the Mashramani 2012 event that he organised in the township, quoted me as telling the Region Six Chairman that “this Mashramani in New Amsterdam is Alphonso thing.  He further declared that the Town as a Municipality is in a state of “filth and stench” and also stated that he is exposing the nincompoopness and incompetence of the New Amsterdam Mayor and Town Council. ”“With due respect to the former Mayor,Nike Shox Men Clearance, I would not tolerate his insane ramblings and bullish approach towards attracting negative publicity in his bid to once again assume the Mayorship of the town,” Debydeen said.He believed that Alphonso was quite correct when he mentioned in the said article that “one does not have to be Mayor to have the town’s interest at heart”“But in his case, his intention seems more than what he is actually telling the media, judging from his tone.”Debydeen who was accompanied by various heads of the municipality, added, “I wish to make it clear that at no time did I have any discussion on Mashramani celebrations in New Amsterdam with the Regional Chairman of Region Six.“The only time I actually met the Chairman concerning any Mash-related activity, was on the night of February 22, 2012 when I made a Republic Anniversary speech to a gathering on the lawns of the New Amsterdam State House, on behalf of His Worship Claude Henry, who was unavoidably absent. So, it is a blatant lie that I spoke negatively on the ‘Alphonso organised Mash Event.’”“As it relates to the state of the town, the Council would admit that there are shortcomings due to several factors, including the low collection of rates and taxes which is nothing new for the former mayor,” Debydeen said.The Deputy Mayor stated that the former Mayor has done himself a great injustice by describing the Mayor and Town Council as “Nincompoops and Incompetents”.“The former mayor has shot himself in the foot, because every member of the said council he is labeling worked under him during his tenure as mayor and the very problems that exist now, existed while he was at the helm.”Debydeen challenged the former mayor to answer a few simple questions about his performance as Mayor of New Amsterdam.“But before I get to this I must commend him for organising a spectacular Town Day Event in 2000 and I must not forget his recent back-balling session which was aired on national television.”

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