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Cheap Air Max 270 Mens LPSMC









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發表於 2018-7-27 05:44:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…police still to take action against perpetrators  Two attempts have so far been made on the life of a Linden man. According to reports from the mining town, the police are yet to investigate.Brian McDonald This has raised the ire of some residents, who say that they are now contemplating taking the law into their own hands, if the Police continue to neglect to perform the duties and functions, for which they are being paid.According to concerned residents, who prefer to remain anonymous, 49-year-old Brian McDonald, a resident of Industrial Area, was mercilessly beaten last week Wednesday afternoon by three men who used a crow bar, and chopped in the head with a cutlass, after a verbal confrontation with them over scrap iron which they were transporting through his yard.“These men beat dis man and throw he in a drain, and every time he tried to crawl out, dey stomp he back in. One of dem lash he behind he head with de crow bar, and the other one chop he in he head. Is only when people start to gather round that they stop beating he and ‘slunk’ away,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey,” an irate resident declared.Brown was reportedly then taken out of the drain by public spirited citizens, and transported to the Mackenzie Hospital for medical attention. He was treated at the Mackenzie hospital and sent home to recuperate.However, the unfortunate man’s woes were far from over as on Saturday Afternoon, he was once again attacked by the same men, who unleashed another beating on him with the crow bar, and chopped him again in the head, reopening the old wounds that had been sutured, only three days before.This time McDonald was left to die in another gutter, bleeding profusely from his wounds.Fortunately for him however,NCAA Football Jerseys, a friend who happened to be passing was told what had transpired, and upon investigating found the man lying in the gutter unable to get out. The friend called the ambulance and took him to the hospital, where he is now a patient.What people are most perturbed about, however,Air Max 97 Buy Online, is the fact that even after a second attempt was made on the man’s life, there has been no intervention by the Police, although the matter was reported since the first beating.‘’Is like the police does only come when people done dead; well people gon start taking they own action, because when you call these police they ain’t coming. They coming when dey feel like,Cheap NHL Jerseys, so these criminally-minded people ain’t got no respect for law and order. De Commissioner of police got to look into this state of Affairs.’Only Saturday last Police Commissioner Henry Green was in Linden to officially launch the Linden Police Station Management Committee(LPSMC). This is a group of concerned citizens who are expected to work collaboratively with the local police to put a handle on crime in the community. The scout arm of the organisation was also simultaneously launched.Interestingly enough, while the commissioner was executing those duties, Brian McDonald was being viciously attacked by three men, less than a mile away.McDonald said that the men attacked him on Wednesday last, after he rebuked them for passing through his yard with stolen scrap metal.He said that on that occasion he was saved by his nephew and public spirited citizens.“Then on Saturday these guys attack me again, while I was on my way home from the hospital. I was taking a short cut, when suddenly these men pounced on me and start lashing me with a piece of iron. “I said boys what y’all lashing me for, I ain’t got no story with y’all. Then I lose consciousness.”McDonald said he only regained consciousness, when a friend who was passing called his name, and asked him what he was doing in the gutter into which he had been thrown.According to McDonald,Air Max 97 White, his attackers are youths between the ages 18 to 30.Today McDonald remains cooped up in the Mackenzie Hospital nursing his wounds,Cheap Oilers Jerseys, while his attackers roam the streets freely.

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