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Thirty students drawn from Bush Lot, Fort Wellington, and Number Eight Secondary School, Region Five, were on Friday last, presented with badges as Youth Advocate/Mentors, (YAMs), after completing the requisite training. The ceremony was held at the Fort Wellington Secondary School.British High Commissioner Greg Quinn with Project Officer Javed Ishmael (left).According to Project Officer, Javed Ishmael, the purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacity of youths/students and caregivers, including teachers, PTA executives and School Welfare Officers to prevent and break the cycle of gender based violence against girls. Ishmael also said that gender based violence project is also seeking to build capacity and raise awareness of youths between ages of 12 to 17 years old.The Youth Advocate/Mentors, (YAMs,) were selected from among Second and Third Form students who are set to remain in school for two to three years after selection.Students, during training, were exposed to AIDS awareness education, conflict resolution, anger management,Undefeated Air Max 97 For Sale, and gender based violence among other disciplines, and they are expected to serve as peer counselors or mentors within their respective schools, under the supervision of counselors attached to the ChildLink center in Fort Wellington.The training was done through ChildLink Incorporated in collaboration with the British High Commission, which funded the program.The participants were added to the list of students around the country, who are engaged in the drive to reduce the incidents of gender based violence.The British High Commissioner, Mr. Greg Quinn, addressing the gathering, stated that one of the most abhorrent, disgraceful, inexcusable and shameful crimes that this world knows, is that of violence, particularly sexual violence against girls. He commended those present for signaling their willingness to do their bit to address and prevent sexual violence. Mr. Quinn also said that the penalty for sexual violence needs to be reviewed and to be made more severe.British High Commissionerpinning badge on a student

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