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Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey UK 2013.Kadeem Gordon









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發表於 2018-7-27 07:43:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Six young Guyanese have been privileged to embark on a three-week undertaking in the United States initiated under the Youth Ambassadors Programme (YAP).US Ambassador D. Brent Hardt (centre) with the YAP participants.Five students and one mentor representing several regions left Guyana for Denver, Colorado on Sunday,Adam Oates Jersey, October 6. The group will travel to Washington D.C. before the exchange programme concludes on October 29, 2013.Kadeem Gordon, Kaya Dover,Brett Pesce Jersey, Larrex McAllister, Blossom Dublin, Kayshell Jennings, and Mentor Ryan Hoppie are the second group of Youth Ambassadors to represent Guyana for the 2013-2014 period of YAP in the Caribbean.According to a release from the US Embassy in Georgetown, the recently selected participants met with U.S. Ambassador D. Brent Hardt,Chicago Blackhawks Gear, prior to their departure.The US Ambassador congratulated the team and pointed out that YAP provides a rare opportunity for young people in Caribbean to see how young people in the United States are using creative ways to effect change.The Ambassador gave the students a preview of what to expect during their visit and emphasized the value for both countries to participate in the cultural exchange programme.The participants similarly shared their backgrounds and personal interests as well as their expectations of the programme.The Ambassador further told the participants that he expects that the experience will have a positive impact on their lives and communities.The group also met with, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony prior to their departure.Minister Anthony congratulated the participants and encouraged them to work on specific programmes to address issues and concerns relating to young people such as health, fitness,Nike Air Max 2018 Womens, education and social behaviour.The YAP programme, which includes participants from the Bahamas, Grenada, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, focuses on civic education, youth empowerment, environmental issues, social entrepreneurship, civic engagement, and food security.Through experiential activities, discussions,Brock McGinn Jersey, site visits, training modules, and home stays, participants are given the opportunity to develop the knowledge, attitudes, intellectual skills,Cheap Air Max 270 Womens, and practical competencies to effectively lead efforts for positive social change in their home countries.The Youth Ambassadors Programme gives students and adult leaders an opportunity to develop leadership and problem-solving skills that enable them to act as community leaders.  The project aims to sharpen participants’ sense of civic responsibility and foster civic activism.While in the United States, the participants can increase their understanding of American institutions, while engaging in civic life in the United States.Participants also explore facets unique to each country’s history and identity, and engage in discussions and educational activities that promote learning on an academic and a personal level.Youth Ambassadors are required to implement follow-on activities upon their return home that will help the participants stay in touch with each other, reflect on their experiences, and integrate that learning into their lives.  A core goal of the programme is for the student leaders, once empowered, to bring their experience to bear in helping encourage and guide other student leaders through community-oriented service projects.

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