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發表於 2018-7-27 07:47:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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….departs for surgery on MondaySeventy- five percent of the money needed to facilitate brain surgery for six- year- old Zeneiah Loo has been raised.This was revealed by her mother, Natassie Mc Calmon yesterday as she prepares to leave for Trinidad with her daughter where surgery is expected to be performed next week.Employees of Republic Bank New Amsterdam and East Canje Lions Club present cheques to the child's mother.The diagnosis of a tumor at the back of the child’s head was made two Tuesdays ago after she had a fever and became weak.“She didn’t have a sturdy walking or sturdy sit- up movement. Sunday it got worse at church and we took her to Dr Ganesh first”, her mother noted. The girl was then referred to the Balwant Singh Hospital where a CT scan revealed the tumor.Numerous telethons were held including one on the National Communications Network Berbice on Wednesday evening, while several persons responded to the initial report in the Kaieteur News.On Friday,Dale Hawerchuk Jersey, the staff of Republic Bank’s New Amsterdam branch made a tangible donation to Mc Calmon. Imran Sacoor, Manager of the branch stated that the girl’s mother has been a friend of the bank for a long time, since she has accounts there and most of the staff members attended the New Amsterdam Multilateral School together.“With the help of others who are contributing generously, we would assist in meeting the hospital expense for her daughter”, he related. “We wish her the best on her operation and hope that she can go through this phase with little pain…and be back to normal as fast as possible.”On Friday President of the East Canje Lion’s Club, Madan Ramadar, donated $100,000. He was inspired by several news items on the matter.Mc Calmon expressed her gratitude but appealed for more assistance to meet the required total.  She noted that money was also raised on Facebook. They were expected to leave yesterday to get to the Community Hospital of Seventh Day Adventist in Trinidad by Saturday “and by Monday, surgery would be done”. She spoke to Dr Spann at the hospital in Trinidad and once her daughter is in good health, the surgery would be performed”. “I am happy I have the amount of money that can start the surgery but I am a bit worried about her well- being right now”, she posited.Many Guyanese across the nation has shown an immense interest in this little girl’s story. The surgery is expected to last from four to five hours.

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