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Cheap NHL Jerseys Guyana









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發表於 2018-7-27 21:35:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With its aim to build more low income homes for families who need them the most, Habitat for Humanity (Guyana) has so far given over 15 families the keys to their very own homes during the 2012-2013 fiscal years.National Director for Habitat for Humanity Guyana Inc, Rawle Small said that since the start of the organizations fiscal year (July 2012 – June 2013) a total of 50 homes were set to be built.He said that during a programme review meeting last week, Habitat budgeted to erect the 50 homes for this year but has only so far built 15 homes.Speaking at the World Habitat Day 2013 under the theme “Urban Mobility” held at the Habitat Headquarters in Hadfield Street,Air Max 97 Undefeated Green, Small said that at present more than half of the world’s population (approximately 3.5 billion people) lives in urban settings.Small said that in 1995 the United Nations declared the first Monday in October to be Habitat Day. Small added that this created awareness about housing and basic services such as water,Cheap Atlanta Braves Jerseys, electricity and security.Small added that by 2030 it is expected that 60 per cent of the world population will live in urban areas (roughly 5 billion). Some 180,Brock McGinn Jersey,000 are added to the urban population each day.“It is estimated that there are almost a billion poor people in the world; of this over 750 million live in urban areas without adequate shelter and basic services,” Small said.The Director further stated that global urbanization is following the blueprint of North American but at faster and larger scales. “These trends are most evident in developing countries,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey,” Small said.Small said that urban areas in the low-lying coastal zones are growing faster than elsewhere. “Inadequate responses to protecting coastal urban areas from climate change will be devastating to the economies and infrastructure of 13 per cent of the world’s urban population,Wholesale UK NBA Jerseys,” Small said.Small said that since Habitat for Humanity inked a one-year partnership with the Edward B. Beharry Company three months ago,Tampa Bay Lightning Gear, so far only one home was constructed.Small said that based on the overwhelming response they have received from the general public; a few more homes are expected to be built by year end.He added that because of the response thus far the programme might extend beyond one year. The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company donated a sum of money to the home construction programme.

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