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…Executives never approached, met Ramroop to engage in any business proposal  The Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) yesterday made it clear that it “is not up for sale.”The world renowned cricketing club yesterday issued a public statement which said that its executives “view with grave concern various articles appearing in the media,Adam Larsson Jersey, regarding a business proposal from the New GPC /CPL OP CO”According to the public missive, “The executives of the Georgetown Cricket Club never approached the New GPC to engage in any business proposal.”An overhead view of the Bourda Ground and its environs.The executives further said that they “never met with the Directors of New GPC/CPL OP CO to discuss any proposal.”It said further, “It was never the intention of the executives of the Georgetown Cricket Club to make any decision with the New GPC/CPL OP CO without consultation and mandate of membership.”The best friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop,Cheap Lightning Jerseys, three weeks ago submitted a proposal to GCC and the neighbouring Georgetown Football Club (GFC), Bourda to acquire the two grounds. He had planned to erect a stadium, investing US$30M.Ramroop immediately pulled the plug on the project when the disgruntled officials leaked the proposal to the media and his plan was exposed.He immediately summoned a meeting with both the GCC and GFC and demanded that they all bring along their copy of the proposal.This was meant to identify who would have been the person that leaked the proposal.Ramroop had proposed that the new facilities would rival or offer the same facilities as the state-owned Guyana National Stadium,Alex Pietrangelo Jersey, Providence.He was planning to have Test cricket, One Day internationals, T20 cricket and international football matches played there.Ramroop was also hoping to attract the many local and international entertainment shows that the Providence stadium has been hosting to raise much-needed revenues. It was the plan that national events and ceremonies would also be held there.Both the GCC and GFC ground are located in one of the city’s most expensive real estate— between Regent Road and North Road. The two grounds stretch an entire block between the Shiv Chanderpaul Drive and Vlissengen Road.The New GPC proposal which was signed by Ramroop, and dated November 12, 2013 was addressed to Dr. Lionel Jaikaran, President of GCC.When Ramroop’s plan was made public he immediately backpedalled and blamed the media and cited confidentiality problems with the executives.“In the world of business, into which cricket had ventured in the present millennium, the issue of confidentiality is crucial and it is evident that this requirement will pose a problem for any joint venture between the Limacol brand and the GCC and GFC,” said Dr. Ramroop in a statement announcing the pull out.Ramroop in announcing that he has withdrawn his offer to take over the Bourda facility, in a not so subtle threat said, “The principals of the Limacol brand would caution those that would continually deride those from the business community that seek to develop their companies and in so doing benefit the country.”The Bourda cricket ground was built since the 1850’s. It is the home ground of cricketing greats such as Rohan Kanhai, Basil Butcher, Joe Solomon, Lance Gibbs,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Jerseys, the Christiani brothers, Clive Lloyd and Shivnarine Chanderpaul,Clark Griswold Jersey, Roy Fredericks, Carl Hooper and Colin Croft.Ramroop, in recent years, has been coming under increasing scrutiny over his questionable dealings include several concessions granted to his company; five radio frequencies and a television licence.He is now poised to be granted permission to take a piece of the telephone industry. The deals have been generating media attention with Parliamentary members investigating details of Ramroop’s transactions.He acquired the valuable Sanata complex, worth millions of US dollars for next to nothing. He has also failed to live up to the privatization agreement of the complex.In addition to being controversially granted almost exclusive rights to supply drugs to Government, Ramroop has also been receiving orders for hardware supplies and was even awarded printing contracts.His newspaper, Guyana Times and television station, TVG, have been receiving state ads, ahead of the older and more established Kaieteur News, Stabroek News, Capitol News, CNS Channel 6 and RBS 13.Parliamentarians have been expressing increasing worry of the growing control of Ramroop’s tentacles,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, with the help of the administration, in the various industries.It was only about five years ago that Ramroop and New GPC’s parent company, Queens Atlantic  Investments Inc. (QAII) came to the fore but have since moved well ahead of their competitors.

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