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By Leon SuseranSpeaking at a Press Conference at Freedom House in New Amsterdam recently, Chairperson of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Minister Clement Rohee has stated that security for the upcoming PPP/C 30th Congress in Berbice will be beefed up with additional surveillance.Senior PPP officials at the Press Conference.The party’s 30th Congress is planned for August 2 to August 4,Cheap Flames Jerseys, 2013 at the J.C. Chandisingh Secondary School in Berbice and will see the gathering of over 1,300 delegates and observers. It is the highest decision-making forum and meeting event of the political party.Rohee added that the additional security arrangements will be to prevent a duplication of what happened two Congresses ago in 2005 in Berbice. Balram Khandai, 19, a student who was supposed to have left Guyana to pursue medical studies in Cuba, was at congress and after the congress was finished,J.R. Smith Jersey, he was being taken to the place where he was supposed to have sought lodging for the night when he was shot and killed by a group of bandits who had invaded the town of Rose Hall.The Congress venue at J.C. Chandisingh Secondary School was also shot at.Rohee stated that the Congress will also be holding a commemorative activity to pay tribute to Khandai. “We have learned from those experiences and will ensure that adequate security will be given at the Congress,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, so that everyone will be properly taken care of from a security point of view.”“We’ve learned from that experience and as a responsible political organization, security will be a top priority at our Congress. Not only the police, but also our own party comrades will be keeping their eyes open,” stated Faizal M. Jaffarally during the Press Conference.In giving specific details about the upcoming activity, Rohee added that more than 1,300 delegates and observers will be attending the congress. The figure could get larger “and if it goes further than that, it will be made known.”A very large contingent is also expected from the interior, representatives from the Diaspora and overseas support groups, delegates from fraternal parties, as well as guests for the opening sessions will be in attendance.Issues pertaining to Amendments to the PPP/C Constitution and party programmes will also be done during the congress. “We will also be dealing with the elections to the new Central Committee—35 members will be elected at the Congress and this will be a very democratic process.”Rohee noted that there is a lot of “interest” in this Congress by persons out there “who see themselves as PPP watchers—they claim to have the interest of the PPP at heart, when in fact what they have is the interest of the enemy and opposition—but yet they pretend!”That is why, he said, attempts are being made consistently to influence the outcomes of the Congress. “When you see articles and stories appearing in some sections of the media, they are targeting the delegates and observers thinking that when they arrive at the Congress, they come with preconceived ideas and notions in order to sway the direction of the Congress.”Rohee noted that this will not happen “and we continue to focus on the main objective of our activity.”“Because these persons are not members of the party, or have left the party or have axes to grind, they express their views outside the party by using the media to write stories and articles, letters; they use the TV to do the same…they are more suited for armchair type of influence peddling by writing stories critical of the PPP and Government or by mounting similar criticisms through the electronic media.”“Every single member has a right to disagree internally…and they can take their disagreements to every level of the party.”Rohee noted that when those matters are settled and final decisions made, all members have to “go along” with the decisions. He noted that much has happened within the party from the last congress to now.The Congress will open with the delivery of the Central Committee Report by General Secretary,Brock Holt Jersey, President Donald Ramotar. This would be followed by a Public Session involving several members of the general public.Ramotar is also expected to make remarks after which the delegates and observers will proceed to being the official business sessions of the Congress on August 2. “We will listen to a review of the work of the party and how we see the future as well.”On August 3, that report will be discussed in five workshops, to discuss the economic and political situations, local government matters, international situations,Authentic Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, and workshops for our young members where they will gather by themselves and discuss matters pertaining to youths and how they see the work of the party as well as its future.He stated that reports will be presented at the end of every workshop to the General Plenary which will see more discussions and interactions.He noted that for the first time in history, the party has no control of the House, “and all these things are topical issues to which people are going to gather to discuss…our Congress is not a run-of-the-mill Congress, so we always try to organize it to make it interesting, these are not jamborees,Chile Jersey, rather they are gatherings of comrades from far and wide to discuss serious issues.”In terms of difference between this upcoming Congress and previous ones,Adidas Nmd r1 Pink, Rohee noted that it will very much depend on the age of persons who will be attending the issues, how the programme is organized; the quality of persons coming to the Congress…I think it is going to be a very exciting activity for both young and old, new and old members.”The media will only be invited to the opening session of the Congress.Daily reports will be issued by this information “mechanism” at the end of each day of the Congress so as to keep the public informed about what is happening. “At the end of the Congress, the new Central Committee will evaluate and will determine whether a statement should be issued.”“Once the delegates and observers are able to express their views freely, I think that is good in terms of the governance of the Congress.”He stated that the electoral process during the Congress for a new Central Committee will be “unblemished, and so clean that it would be beyond criticism”.

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