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Deion Jones Falcons Jersey and according to Dr Persaud









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發表於 2018-7-28 10:45:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Although efforts are being made to reduce the challenge of maternal death, there is still a great deal to be done in addressing this existing state of affairs. And according to Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Shamdeo Persaud,Wholesale Football Jerseys China, while there is usually great concern about the development of complicated pregnancies there are some underlying factors that should be addressed to prevent such challenges.He alluded to pregnancies where complications develop as a result of complicated malaria, a condition that requires specialist attention.  However, since Guyana currently does not have this capacity ardent strides are being made to address this,.“When malaria complications arise people get concerned about the pregnancy, but it really just needs a specialist in that area to manage that condition,” the CMO related.Chief Medical Officer, Dr Shamdeo PersaudFor this year, at least one pregnant woman died as a result of malaria complications.Pregnancy-associated malaria, also known as placental malaria, is a presentation of the common illness that is particularly life-threatening to both mother and developing fetus. The condition,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, according to the World Health Organisation, is caused primarily by infection with Plasmodium falciparum, the most dangerous of the four species of malaria-causing parasites that infect humans.It is noted that while the average adult citizen of an endemic region possesses some immunity to the parasite, pregnancy causes complications that leave the woman and fetus extremely vulnerable.In addition to threatening the woman’s life, the parasite can interfere with transmission of vital substances through the fetal placenta often resulting in stillbirth, spontaneous abortion or dangerously low birth weight.Moreover, Dr Persaud disclosed that “we have made some efforts to try and review the management protocol for malaria in pregnancy…we have had pregnant women at both the private and public hospitals, and in both instances we thought that there could have been a little bit more astute management…the concerns with these cases were more about the information available and the approaches that were used,Air Max 97 Undefeated White,” he asserted.The death of a pregnant woman due to malaria complications is usually characterised by the Health Ministry as an indirect cause of death, and according to Dr Persaud,Kurt Warner Cardinals Jersey, at least three women were listed in this category for this year.Aside from the woman who was found to have malaria complications,Air Max 270 Sale, post mortem examinations revealed that another woman died from a blood disease while another was the victim of a complicated chronic disease.The three indirect cases were women hailing from Regions Six (one) and Seven (two) and one was managed at a private hospital while the two others were managed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).A total of 11 maternal deaths were recorded by the Health Ministry as at the end of July with direct cases including mostly haemorrhaging, induced hypertension and eclampsia and placental abruption. There was also one case relating to abortion and another to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.The direct cases included two women from Region Two and one each from Regions Four, Five, Six, Eight,Cheap Sabres Jerseys, Nine and 10.“Of course because GPHC is our principal referral centre, usually even patients from other Regions would go there,” said Dr Persaud, who disclosed that of the eight direct cases, four were managed at the GPHC, one at a private hospital, one at the New Amsterdam Hospital, one at the Suddie Hospital and another at the Diamond Hospital.Although disciplinary measures meted out to culpable medical professionals is recognised as one of the primary actions to be taken in the case of any maternal death, administrative modifications are certainly not prohibited, according to Dr Persaud. He noted that the administrative aspect of any health institution is an important element in ensuring that hospitals effectively manage maternal patients.

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