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發表於 2018-7-28 22:16:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Eleven babies were born on Mother’s Day at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).But yesterday all 42 patients in the postnatal ward were all given something to smile about – Teddies hampers from Marketing and Distribution, a member of the Neal & Massey Group of Companies.The first Mother’s Day baby, was born to Dinelle Herbert of Hadfeild Street, Lodge.Joan Rodrigues receives her Mother’s Day hamper from Teddies Representative,Cheap Nike Basketball Jerseys, Geneva Simon and Shalini Thakur. Joann is the mother of the first baby born on Mother’s Day at the GPHC.She gave birth to a baby girl at 00:20 hrs weighing 2kg 900g.Joan Rodrigues of Better Hope, East Coast Demerara give birth to the first baby boy at around 00:40 hrs.Both Jennifer Hatton and Sunita Chediram who reside on the East Coast of Demerara gave birth at 02:40 hrs to baby girls.Mother’s day baby number five was born to Shondell Norton of the North West District, who gave birth at 04:40 hrs, delivering a bouncing baby boy.Meanwhile, Cleopatra Joseph of West Ruimveldt delivered a baby boy at 07:16 hrs.The first baby boy and girl were given a big Teddies hamper, which included a month’s supply of Teddies diapers, wipes and Growth and Developmental chart.At 09:36 hrs Petal Defreitas gave birth to a baby girl weighing 2kg, 600g while Kimone Lambert delivered a boy weighing 3kg, 400g at 09:58 hrs.Ortise Toby brought into the world a baby girl weighing 2kg, 400g and 10:00 hrs followed by Michelle Hunte who produced a boy at 10:20 hrs weighing 2kg, 400g.At 11:02 hrs Samattike Narine brought forth her baby boy weighing 2kg, 400g also.All the babies and their mothers were reported to be in good health.Shondell Norton gave birth to a baby boy on Mother’s Day. In photo Geneva Simon of Teddies Marketing and Distribution Ltd. Presents her with a special hamper of Teddies’ products.Yesterday’s gesture was another in the annual exercise for Teddies Disposable Diapers, which has been going on for many years at the Georgetown and New Amsterdam Hospitals.

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