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發表於 2018-7-30 10:17:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As Guyana continues to place major emphasis on improving the quality of health care available,Cheap Soccer Gear, the newly arrived 10th batch of Chinese medical team was welcomed yesterday,Cheap Maple Leafs Jerseys, at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre.Tribute was also paid to the outgoing ninth batch that served in the country for the past two years and will be returning to China shortly to continue service in the medical field.Some of the newly arrived members of the 10th batch of Chinese Medical TeamTo date, the country has benefitted from the expertise of several Chinese medical teams,Air Max 97, which have made significant contributions to the health sector.Kaieteur News understands that this 10th batch of medical personnel includes a plastic surgeon, gynaecologist, cardiologist, general surgeon and radiologist.Meanwhile, the outgoing batch of Chinese medical personnel who served at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and Linden Hospital Complex, Region Ten, consisted of 15 doctors who collectively made significant contributions in the fields of obstetrics and orthopedics.Sheik Amir, Director of the Medical and Professional Services,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date, stated that such initiatives are testimony to the continuation of services offered over the past 18 years by the Chinese.There have been shortages of specialists in certain areas but with the contribution from the Chinese, Guyana has benefitted tremendously with multi faceted approaches in the medical arena as well as the addition of new dimensions and skills.“With the contributions of the Chinese in the medical field we have been able to have complex surgical operations performed successfully from the advent of the Chinese Brigade medical teams.“They have also been donating equipment and specialized apparatus to Guyana… Some of those in the 9th batch have worked beyond their call of duties while serving in Guyana and I thank them,” said Amir.Minister of Health,Cheap Colorado Avalanche Jerseys, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, told the gathering that both Guyana and China have enjoyed and shared “excellent experiences” over the past decades with each other.While other countries and continents have many teams of Chinese medical brigades serving there is only one country in the Caribbean where these teams serve; and that is Guyana.“Their presence here is an indication of further rolling out of medical contributions and the ninth brigade did well. The 10th brigade promises to do better. At present there is a construction of a home for Chinese doctors in Linden for those who will serve there and this is in progress,” said Dr. Ramsaran.GPHC CEO Michael Khan awards two departing Chinese doctorsHe urged the newly arrived batch to stay committed to serving not only at the GPHC and Linden Hospitals but at other areas where they may be able to offer their services during their stint in the country.“The Chinese teams (in the past) have done well and I am challenging the 10th batch to be better. These Chinese skilled intellectuals in Guyana are good signs and we are recognizing the good work done by the brigades.”Chinese Ambassador to Guyana,Cheap NHL Jerseys, Yu Wenzhe, expressed gratitude to the ninth batch for their hard work and dedication during the past two years they served the Government of Guyana in the medical field.“For the outgoing team this is not the end of the relationship with the Georgetown Public Hospital or the Linden Hospital, so you must promote the beauty of the Guyanese country and friendliness of Guyana when you go back to China. This is also a good opportunity for the new team to get good experiences,Cheap Nike Basketball Jerseys,” Wenzhe stated.(Kristen Macklingam)

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