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發表於 2018-7-30 14:39:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…looking to provide “more economical” electricity to Guyana   Greenheart Tree Energy, a company born out of a desire to serve Guyana,Arizona Coyotes Gear, is looking to provide energy at a cheaper rate.Currently,Cheap NHL Jerseys, the company is working with the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) to understand the issues with the water supply and how it can lend assistance with problem on the electrical grid.Representatives of the company said yesterday that it is looking to provide solutions that can help to benefit Guyanese through the adequate supply of water. This will be done through the use of solar energy.Solar energy is, simply, energy provided by the sun. This energy is in the form of solar radiation, which makes the production of solar electricity possible.Energy produced from that source is generally cheaper. Greenheart Tree Energy officials said yesterday that the plan is not to replace the entire existing generation facility as that will still be needed.It was said that the solar panels will just be a supplement, a back up for generators already in place.Officials explained that in this way if a generator goes down or is problematic,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, there would not be need for the shutting down of the entire grid down “because we will be supporting from the other end. So we are not trying to take anyone’s business away. It’s a benefit for the entire population.”The team said that the long term vision of the company will be of great benefit to Guyana.The company is looking to secure the construction of a number of energy facilities and maintain and operate them under the BOOT (Buy Own Operate Transfer) system. The company said that this model was proposed by the government.“What we will like to do is bring components to Guyana and build an assembling facility so we can produce panels in Guyana for Guyana and export them to the rest of the Caribbean.”Company representatives said that President David Granger had appealed to the Guyanese Diaspora in Canada for them to return and invest in their country. It was pointed out that the President also spoke about the vision for green energy and a green economy.“As a result this company was formed. Its Chief Executive Officer is Edmund Klass, a former Queen’s College student and now a successful entrepreneur in Canada. This is a response to that call and we think that we represent two aspects of his vision for Guyana,Cheap Air Max Shoes For Sale, which is having Diaspora Guyanese return and helping to achieve a green economy, this (company) was put together to specifically do that,Washington Capitals Gear,” said Lindsay Davidson,Boston Celtics Jerseys, a former reporter with the Guyana Chronicle and now a public relations consultant in CanadaOfficials said that if they are given the go ahead,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, systems can be up and ready within six months.

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