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發表於 2018-7-31 08:04:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The ongoing differences between the Natural Resource Ministry and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) have led staffers of the mining agency to further express disapproval with the Ministry’s interference in the agency’s affairs – speaking specifically this time, to the GGMC paying monthly salaries to some five ministry workers. Additionally, officials of the Guyana Gold Board and the World Wildlife Fund have also claimed having to bear expenses for some of the Ministry’s staffers.Several GGMC staffers have however expressed disgust over the matter, complaining that the salary payments, which run into millions of dollars, are placing an unnecessary burden on the agency’s coffers. Some complained also that while the agency is paying this huge salary bill, GGMC workers in some top positions are receiving less than what is being paid, despite their massive workloads.Top brass officials complained, too, that while the Ministry has taken over the agency’s next door building at the Brickdam location, no rent is being paid for the occupancy, while the Commission is also bearing travel expenses for ministry workers.It was reported that for the year 2013, the Natural Resource Ministry received $662M, the agency’s budgeted figure. GGMC therefore questioned the purpose of having the agency spend millions in salary payments, while arguing that they already have to deal with the burden of making ready the Princes and High Streets building to where GGMC was forced to relocate.In the payment register which Kaieteur News was privy to seeing and confirming was authentic, it was documented that the GGMC paid a total of $11,158,560 from January to December 2012 for a Natural Resource Ministry Senior Policy Analyst/ Advisor. For that same period, a total of $10,823,291 was paid to four other ministry staffers; the internal audit coordinator, executive assistant, driver/maintenance clerk and the indigenous relations specialist.From January to July, this year, GGMC said they have already paid out for the Senior Policy Analyst/ Advisor in excess of $6.5M, while over $7.3M has gone for the other four workers. These payments include NIS, gratuity, car allowance, duty and telephone allowance for some of the workers.When contacted, Gold Board and Wildlife officials said they knew about the payments,Supply Cheap Jerseys, but refused to go in-depth with any information. It was however learnt that Gold Board is paying some five ministry staffers, while Wildlife is paying two. Another agency is said to be paying three staffers, but Kaieteur News was unable ascertain that information.Checks to the Finance Ministry confirmed further that salaries for the workers were being paid outside of the Natural Resource Ministry. GGMC had complained earlier this year, that they were having problems functioning because of the Ministry’s interference. They claimed they were forced out of their newly constructed Brickdam building while no rent was being paid for the much needed property, built specifically to ease GGMC’s space congestion problems.GGMC officials pointed out however that massive financial burden is being placed on the agency, and charged that, “certain managers are not even receiving some of the salaries that we are paying out.”

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