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發表於 2018-7-31 17:01:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Attempted jailbreak…Two inmates, who were absent on their initial court date, were charged yesterday for attempting to escape from the Camp Street prison last month.The duo appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.It is alleged that 22-year-old Sherwin Nero called “Pattacake and Cattie”, of Lot 74 Dennis Street, Sophia, and Mark Royden Williams, also known as Royden Durant or “Smallie”, on December 28 tried to escape from the capital section of the Camp Street prison.Mark Royden Williams, also known as Royden Durant or “Smallie”The charge further read that they intended to “set themselves to liberty”, knowing that they were incarcerated for criminal offences. They were not required to plead since the charge was indictable.The two men are charged jointly with Dennis Williams called “Anaconda”, 23, of 35 Waterloo Street; Paul Bagot, 28,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, of Cato Street, Agricola; Dwayne Archibald, 32, of 450 Bulletwood Street, Linden, and Jermaine Savory called ‘Ja Ja’, 21, of 97 Second Street, Agricola.Both Sherwin Nero and Mark Royden Williams were remanded to prison and are expected to make their next court appearances on February 19; the matter was transferred to Court Two.The six dangerous inmates, including two suspects in the Bartica and Lusignan massacres, had attempted a daring jailbreak at the Georgetown Prison just before dawn on December 28, 2008.The plan was however thwarted by the quick response of prison authorities along with the Joint Services, which ultimately led to their capture.Five of the prisoners were caught in the prison compound. However, Sherwin Nero managed to escape but was recaptured shortly after in Rasville. Nero, along with four of his accomplices, is on remand for murder.Dennis Williams was recently charged in connection with the Bartica massacre, last February, in which 12 persons were killed. He was also fingered in the GuySuCo payroll heist on November 4, 2008.Jermaine Savoury was charged in November for the murder of Melissa Payne, who was shot dead during a robbery in Agricola.According to Director of Prisons, Dale Erskine, the inmates broke out of the remand dormitory by prising out a bar from a “cell window”.  After they had passed through the window, they climbed down a water tank trestle and made their way into the compound.However, an alerted prison warder reportedly spotted the prisoners trying to scale the prison fence and raised an alarm.Sherwin Nero managed to scale the fence, but was hunted down by police, and eventually caught. Erskine said that Nero was badly slashed by razor wire while scaling the prison wall.Nero was charged, along with now-dead fugitives Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins and Cecil Simeon Ramcharran, called ‘Uncle Willie’ or ‘Limpy’, and others, with the murder of Ivor Williams, a 24-year-old soldier, who was shot dead in the East Coast Demerara village of Buxton in January 2008.Nero was also charged with the August 30, 2007 murder of mango trader, Kumar Singh, called ‘Mango Man’.

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