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發表於 2018-7-31 21:37:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In wake of Guyanese coming forward with information that they were victims of a cruise ship job offer scam,Jerseys NFL Cheap, more persons have come forward with information of yet another instance.Several persons have said that almost a year ago they responded to an advertisement in some sections of the media for vacancies with the Carnival Cruise line.Given the fact that finding employment locally is a bit of a challenge, many responded to the advertisement with the hope of securing a job.One woman said that she first made contact with one of the telephone numbers which was provided so as to get information on the way forward for applying. The woman who asked not to be identified said that she then contacted the telephone number and to her surprise,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the person identified himself as a former officer of the Guyana Defence Force.“A male answered and identified himself and told me that I needed to send an application to his email address or to a Mr. Kendell Bedeau whom I was told was an agent in Trinidad,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys,” the woman related.She added that she did as she was told and once the application was sent off,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, she said she made yet another call to the local contact who indicated that she needed to make a payment of US$100.“I paid this money one year ago but to date I have not received a single call from neither the local contact nor the agent in Trinidad,Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic,” she related. This newspaper was also informed that this woman and several others who paid money kept calling the same local phone number for the local contact but all their efforts to enquire about their application proved futile.“Every time I call, the local person would answer his phone and tell us to forward an email about our concerns to his email address…Sometimes I would call and the number is turned off,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” the woman added.In the meantime, another victim of the supposed scam said that she was told to send along with her application US$70 US to one Kendell Bedeau in Trinidad via Money Gram. A further US$30 was given to the local agent. She too was promised a telephone call once her application was sent and once her money was paid. She was to be informed of what post she would get on the cruise line.A year has passed and she too is awaiting a phone call. Like the others,Cheap Jerseys Online, she cannot locate the two agents who collected her money. The woman said she even went as far as visiting the Carnival Cruise line Web site and it was stated on the site that Mr. Bedeau was indeed an agent based in Trinidad.Meanwhile, in wake of these reports, this newspaper tried to contact the local agent but the telephone number provided was rang out. This newspaper further checked with the Carnival Cruise line web site but there was no link to a Trinidadian agent.

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