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發表於 2018-8-1 11:07:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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It will be a weekend of music, coloured lights, disappearing things and heart-thumpingIt will be a weekend of fun and high-flying acts as the Circus of Dreams comes to Guyana.high-flying acts at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence, as the circus returns to Guyana.The three-day event, being hosted by the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T), Guyenterprise and Link Up Media, is expected to draw thousands as it has been years since the circus came to these shores.According to GT&T’s Chief Executive Officer, Yog Mahadeo, he is expecting a packed weekend at the stadium.“We have trapeze, clowns, fire-breathing people and magicians who will take your breath away.”According to the official, while GT&T and the organizers wanted to take the show to Berbice and the other regions, time and logistics of packing up, moving and setting up would not allow it.“We want to say firstly that it is indeed regrettable that this show cannot be taken to Berbice because of the logistics of packing up and then unpacking again.”The National Stadium is also expected to be transformed into a Christmas Circus and Santa’s Funland with fun and games for the kids including a “Candyland”, a “Toyland”, a “Playland” and other goodies including the presence of Santa and Mrs. Claus, among others.“Obviously it is Christmas time and we are reflecting that in the entire package,” Mahadeo disclosed.Gates will open from 16:00 hrs on Friday with the circus starting at 19:00 hrs. On Saturday and Sunday, it will be the same thing.Tickets are being sold at GT&T’s outlets,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Church’s Chicken, Nigel’s Supermarket, Gizmos and Gadgets, Survival Supermarket and Guyenterprise among other places.Adult tickets will cost $2,500 while for children it is $2,000.“Premium front stage seating, adults $3,500; children $3,000 and children under two years old are free. Remember there is one admission price for two great attractions…the Circus of Dreams and Santa’s Funland,” Mahadeo noted.

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