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發表於 2018-8-1 13:37:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Old people seh that people mustn’t wish fuh others wha dem don’t wish fuh demself. Rohee jump and call fuh de Surujbally boy to resign. He join wid Donald and de other party boys and picket. Dem boys hear nuff noise when de crowd refuse to accept de election results.Dem boys decide to call de Surujbally boy to find out wha he think bout de call fuh he resignation. He watch dem and shake he head like if he want to tell dem that dem asking a stupid question. Then he seh something that nuff people never think about. He seh that nobody ever move a vote of no confidence against he.As dem old people seh,Cheap Jerseys Online, mouth open story jump out. Dem boys remember that in Parliament,Cheap NFL Jerseys, de opposition did move a vote of no confidence against Rohee. And de man did not resign. Surujbally then ask dem why dem think he should resign. Rohee shoulda lead by example. Well as things go,Cheap Sabres Jerseys, he ain’t in a position to act against de vote of no confidence and he ain’t got no authority to call pun anyone fuh resign.Is just like when de bishop Ten Edghill talking bout witch hunt. He was de one when he go to de post office to fire a whole heap of people without giving dem a chance. He walk in because he think he was a big one and he knock off left,Cheap Air Max 270 Womens, right and centre.Now he talking bout how de government knocking off people. Dem boys seh that he either got a memory like a fish or he just like fuh talk. Even Donald ain’t seh a word bout witch hunt because he remember when Papa Cheddi did send Rambo fuh knock off dem senior managers.Rambo knock off till dem didn’t have nobody to knock off. He knock off de chairman—a man name Bovell—and everybody who he think was a member of de Pee Hen See.Dem boys live to see that Cheddi knock off Rambo. De same Rambo going to Whim today to see Jagdeo in court. He tell dem boys that if he get a chance he would knock off de magistrate if she don’t knock down Jagdeo.Talk half and remind Rohee bout de call fuh he resignation.

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