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發表於 2018-8-1 22:11:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Another batch for the world of work…Despite the rains, more than 1400 graduates were conferred with their degrees, diplomas and certificates at the University of Guyana on Saturday evening. The immense convocation ceremony was the University’s 44th such event.In his remarks, UG’s Chancellor, Professor Compton Bourne, remarked that “a graduation ceremony is a time for acknowledgement of success and rejoicing in it. Let us applaud their success, share their joy and wish them well in their future endeavours.”The feature address was delivered by the Honourable Madame Justice Roxanne George, a former student and lecturer at the University.She said that the event was more than about just receiving degrees. She told the graduates that they should see their graduation as a key to opening many other doors to furthering their education and contributing to the development of their country.” You have been equipped with insights into the issues that need to be addressed to solve the peculiar challenges that face developing countries such as Guyana,” said Justice George.Focusing on the themes of leadership and legacy, Justice George urged the graduates to “… utilise your powers of analysis and critical thinking and the skills and learning you have acquired here at UG to promote your respective fields of expertise and training but to ensure that in our society there is respect for human rights.”President’s Medal Winner and 2010 Valedictorian, George Michael, BSc Chemistry receives his medal from Manniram Prashad, Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce.She presented the issue of Human Rights to the graduates as pertinent to their daily lives, saying that while the country upholds international and local laws, “… we as individuals have a responsibility to respect and uphold each other’s human rights.”She said that Human Rights can no longer be viewed as the realm of just the law graduands.“Human rights issues are developmental issues that underpin our very existence.” And she therefore called on the graduates of Education, the Humanities and Social Sciences saying that they should appreciate that their interventions and planning should by necessity involve the application of human rights norms.Justice George added that in the case of Occupational Health and Safety, graduates of the technical and science oriented faculties should also be aware of the applicability of Human Rights to their professions through the developments in their fields that work towards improving the welfare of the population.The graduates were called upon to be leaders and to assist in developing the country. She said to the graduates,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, “… as leaders it is important that you be humble and respect others as you would have them respect you. Listen to the voices of those around you; listen to the concerns of your communities.”She told them that leadership requires the values of honesty, integrity and openness, objectivity and transparency.“In the execution of your mandate as leaders, your leadership and stewardship must be such that you are ever conscious of your legacy as you progress. Not necessarily for great books to be written about you in the annals of history but that your contribution would have been truly meaningful to those whose lives you would have touched whether directly or indirectly.”After the feature address, the graduates in each faculty were presented to the Chancellor by their respective deans who conferred them with their degrees, diplomas and certificates by the Chancellor.  The only hitch in the proceedings came during the presentation ceremony where the event was temporarily halted for a few minutes by rain.For those graduates from the Faculty of Health Sciences who received their Bachelor’s Degrees in Medicine and Nursing, the oaths of their professions were administered by the heads of their respective schools as they received their certificates – the Florence Nightingale Pledge for the nurses and the International Code of Medical Ethics for the newly graduated Doctors.Winners of the prizes for exemplary performance were announced thereafter and chief among them was that of the President’s Medal which goes to the class valedictorian. This year that honour was awarded to Michael George, who graduated with a distinction in his Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Chemistry. The medal was presented by Minister of Tourism, Trade and Commerce, Manniram Prashad in the absence of President Jagdeo and Prime Minister Hinds.George, in his valedictory speech, told his fellow graduates that his years at the University have groomed him in many different ways. He spoke of memories that he would never trade despite the challenges and trials of being a student at the University.He also cautioned his colleagues to be aware that they are heading out into what could be a harsh world, where they may have to make tough decisions, but he charged them all to not get complacent and put their integrity at risk.Michael George’s final admonition to his colleagues was that they ensure that they put it all on the line and go out into the world and be the change that they want to be.

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