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– Harmon tells Guyanese in NYGovernment yesterday vowed to go after assets stolen by the previous administration and stashed in the US.Speaking to a crowd estimated at over 10,000 in Brooklyn, New York, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon,Jae Crowder Jersey, made it clear that the people of Guyana voted for change and it will be delivered.Some of the Guyanese officialswho travelled to New YorkNew York basedGuynaese at the rallyThe Brooklyn rally which was geared to celebrate Guyana’s recent 49th Independence and the coalition victory at the polls was heavily monitored by New York Police.Harmon was accompanied by Tourism Minister,Custom Borussia Dortmund Jersey, Cathy Hughes and Raphael Trotman, Minister of Governance and Natural Resources.The Minister said that Guyanese voted for a change and they will be getting it.Already, the city is being cleaned up already, several persons who were illegally being paid taxpayers dollars by the former administration to do political work have been sent home.“Let them go to the people who they working for to pay them.”A section of the large Brooklyn crowdSeveral others have been sent home, including senior officials like Permanent Secretaries,Discount MLB Apparel, as part of the cleanup.He said that Guyana has the people and the resources to develop the country. The government intends to go after assets right in the US which may have been stashed by Government officials.The assets will be found and put to use for Guyana’s development.“We are going to find them and apply it for the right purposes. We are a rich country, we are a powerful country, and we have to make sure that powerful and richness is reflected in the quality of life of Guyanese.Though the event was held in Brooklyn, home to thousands of Afro-Guyanese area,Christian Pulisic Jersey, there were still quite a number of Indians there.The culturalpresentation at the rallyNew York basedGuynaese at the rallyHarmon promised to take the next rally to Queens to take the message of change and gratitude to the mainly Indo-Guyanese who live there.As part of the immediate plans, Harmon told the cheering crowd, Government will move to speed up the processing of passports and other consular services for Guyanese living in the area.There will be more officers and the offices opened to take the services to the people.During the march through Church Avenue, Brooklyn,John Stockton Jersey, Harmon told the roaring crowd that there was an immense feeling that change has come, crossing boundaries and bridging the divide.It is “time” to celebrate unity the possibilities of Guyana,Cheap MLB Pro Shop, he urged.Government is planning a big bash for next year’s 50th Independence anniversary, urging Guyanese to return.He also promised that his Government will work to bring down airfares, a major bugbear especially for of thousands of Guyanese living in the Tri-State area of the US.

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