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[平板電腦] Custom Utah Jazz Jerseys 00 noon and on Saturdays from 7









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發表於 2018-8-2 21:32:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Infestation of termites and bats as well as the need for repairs to various parts,Zach Collins Jersey, especially the roof of the Post Office at Leguan,Dan-Axel Zagadou Jersey, has forced changes in the operating hours at the post office,Custom Borussia Dortmund Jersey, said GPOC public relations officer,Andrew Benintendi World Series Jersey, Yolaskee Jervis.Jervis said that management is advising the public that new hours of service have been implemented at this Office. On Mondays through Fridays the office will be open from 7:00am to 12:00 noon and on Saturdays from 7:00am to 11:00 am.“The GPOC will do its best to ensure that persons can access its services in the best environment possible even if this means relocating while the corporation renovates this Post Office.”Jervis further stated the Area Manager and Properties Manager have visited this office and have spoken with an official at the Regional Office concerning the relocation of the Leguan Post Office. “During the discussions one space was identified but later found unsuitable upon inspection.”According to Jervis the said Managers then visited the Neighbourhood Democratic Council regarding relocation. They were advised of a possible alternative location but this proved unsuitable due to its tendency to flood.While the GPOC has so far been unsuccessful in finding alternative locations for its operations plans are in place to continue along this vein.The Postmaster at the Leguan Post Office was relocated some weeks ago to alternative living accommodations for which the GPOC is paying a rent.GPOC disclosed a popular pest control company has already been engaged regarding the termite and bat infestation issue and estimates have been received regarding repair work to be done.The aforementioned conditions had resulted in temporary closure of the office on two occasions and the change in business hours was made as a measure to maintain the provision of public services even as the Corporation is poised to embark on renovation work.

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