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發表於 2018-8-3 01:37:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Dale AndrewsPolice Commissioner Henry Greene appealed to the ranks of Division ‘A’ (Georgetown), yesterday, to make the force proud though the Christmas period.The appeal was made at the Division’s annual award ceremony and Christmas luncheon, and it came amidst growing skepticism about the integrity of the Guyana Police Force.But according to the Commissioner, the Division has adequate resources to meet the challenge of maintaining a secure environment for both visitors and citizens of Georgetown.He said that from the statistics for the year so far,Babe Ruth World Series Jersey, the main police division has accounted for a significant decline in criminal activity, which augurs well for the entire force.“When ‘A’ Division sneezes, the whole force jumps,Cheap Dortmund Jersey, so when the division declines in crime the whole force declines in crime,” the Commissioner said.He complimented the persons who were mainly responsible for the present position of the division.“Do us proud this Christmas. We don’t want to these reports that persons have used excessive force on anyone; we don’t want to hear reports about policemen stopping people and taking money from them and demanding money from them or policemen negotiating deals. Drop that from your calendar,” he challenged.The Top Cop said that the Division has an adequate fleet of vehicles which should enable ranks to respond promptly to reports of criminal activity.He commended the ranks manning the police 911 hotline and announced a monetary reward for them.The ranks of the police Court Superintendent Office,Dan-Axel Zagadou Jersey, more particularly the Prosecutors also came in for the Commissioner’s commendation.Twelve ranks were presented with the Laparkan Policeman of the Month Award, which represents a tangible appreciation of their work in 2009.The involvement of the Laparkan Group of Companies in the exercise dates back to the year 2000 and was the brainchild of the present Commander George Vyphuis, who was at the time Officer-in-Charge of the Division’s Number One Sub-Division.According to Vibert Parvatan, a Director of the Laparkan Group of Companies, the objective of the initiative is intended to motivate members of the Police Force to strive for higher levels of performance and achievement.He stated that the criteria used by the evaluators and judges include those attributes which are vital to any organization; punctuality, regularity, reliability, commitment and outstanding display of courage.“The Guyana Police Force, with its motto “To serve and to protect” has a rich history over the many decades.That image has to be preserved and that can only be done, if every person in the Police Force accepts his or her individual obligation to comply with the rules and regulations which govern their duties,Alec Burks Jersey, and resist the temptation for whatever reason, to tarnish the image of the Police Force,” Parvatan said.He explained that coping with crime in most lands is a Herculean task,Custom Utah Jazz Jerseys, and in a developing country like Guyana, there are human and financial limitations evidenced by under-manned, under-equipped units. However according to the Laparkan Director, in spite of that, the motto of the Guyana Police Force “To serve and to protect” remains the goal which all members of the Guyana Police Force need to constantly have as their focal point.He said that it is also the expectations of citizens of Guyana that the Police Force will protect them and in so doing, contribute to their safety and security whether on the streets, or at the work places, or in their homes.“I commend to all members of the Guyana Police Force, not to allow their uniform and perceived power vested in them, to overshadow the human qualities of patience, tolerance, understanding, humility, respect and love for everyone,” Parvatan stated.He assured that the Laparkan Group commits itself to retaining the programme in the New Year and indicated that a request to increase the value of the gift vouchers presented to the awardees will be looked at favourably.Detective Sergeant Sherlock Houston was adjudged the Division’s Best Cop as a result of his sterling contribution in the apprehension of criminal suspects throughout the year.He received the Roraima Airways Award, which was presented by Captain Gerry Gouveia.In his vote of thanks, he advised his colleague not to envy him in a negative way but to strive to be in the position he presently holds, next year.In addition to the awards Commissioner Greene also presented $300,Authentic Baseball Hoodies,000 to the Division for what he described as a job well done throughout 2009.

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