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Custom Utah Jazz Jerseys who is now a gold miner









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發表於 2018-8-3 05:04:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An ex- police constable was yesterday charged for stealing a .32 semi-automatic Browning pistol while he was on duty at the Tactical Service Unit last year.Macurty SimpsonMacurty Simpson, 23, of 28 West Coast Berbice, pleaded guilty to a simple larceny charge when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the City’s court.The court heard that on September 11, last year while Simpson was employed as an officer at the Tactical Services Unit, he stole the firearm from George Edwards Hanover who had lodged it to have his licence renewed.According to the Prosecutor, Simpson was tasked to assist with the process of renewing the man’s licence when he appeared at the TSU compound.However,Joel Ayayi Jersey, Prosecutor Dinero Jones said that the virtual complainant did not present himself with his national identification card that was required of him and he subsequently informed the defendant that he urgently needed to go to the interior.Hanover left the gun for the defendant to lodge it and he made a promise to return with his identification card, but, “Instead of lodging it,Jonas Jerebko Jersey, the defendant kept it in his possession”,Authentic Baseball Hoodies, the Prosecutor said.Prosecutor said the defendant was questioned by police after the virtual complainant returned and could not find his weapon. He told the police that the gun was at his residence, Prosecutor Jones said, but when investigations were carried out, the gun was never recovered.Jones said that legal advice was sought in the matter and the defendant was subsequently charged for the crime.Simpson,Dante Exum Jersey, who is now a gold miner, told the court that on the day of the incident Hanover informed him that he would return within a few days but he never returned. He told the court that he took the weapon home in a bag and kept it on his wardrobe.He added that after a few days he gave it to someone he knew who worked at the Criminal Investigations Department for safe keeping until further notice. After a few days that person whom he identified as “Sinclair” called him to uplift the weapon.“I took it back with the intention to lodge it back but it was because of my negligence your worship…” he said “I’m just asking for you to see through this,Achraf Hakimi Jersey,” the defendant said as tears slid down his face.His lawyer, Darren Wade, then advised his client to stop explaining lest he further incriminate himself. But the Chief Magistrate gave him permission to continue since he was explaining his guilty plea.She then asked the defendant if he told the police officers of this person who worked at the CID Headquarters. It was revealed that when the defendant told the officers, it had no effect. He told the court that the man is still working at the compound and when he was contacted in the matter he kept denying that he was ever entrusted with the weapon.The Chief Magistrate then entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.The defendant’s Attorney then made an application for his client to receive reasonable bail. He informed the court that his client,Cheap Baseball Jerseys Shirts, who is the sole bread winner for his daughter, is anxious to prove his innocence. He was subsequently granted bail in the sum of $200,000 and the matter was adjourned until June 2.

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