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Jae Crowder Jersey he consulted Senior Counsel Rex McKay









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發表於 2018-8-3 07:47:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President of the Youth Coalition for Transformation, Jermaine Grant, yesterday said that the refusal of President Donald Ramotar to dismiss Clement Rohee, as Minister of Home Affairs is doing more harm than good to the security of the Guyanese populace.Grant said that it was evident in the National Assembly today when the combined opposition protested as Minister Rohee presented the Gun License Bill to the National Assembly despite a Motion of no-confidence that was passed against him.According to Grant, the government is well aware of the opposition’s intention to not entertain any presentation by Minister Rohee before the Assembly yet they proceeded to stymie the business of the House.Grant said that he strongly believes that the government’s intransigence to not terminate the service of Clement Rohee as Minister of Home Affairs will see a degeneration of the August Assembly where the will of the majority if not respected will undermine parliamentary democracy in Guyana.“The continued and deliberate attempt to foist Clement Rohee on the populace when a majority has no confidence in him is contemptuous,” Grant asserted. He further stated that with the majority of the populace having no confidence in Rohee through the votes of their democratically elected representatives, the tenure of Clement Rohee as Minister hereon will become more difficult and the nation’s security interests may be compromised.Grant said that any President would consider how this particular matter is affecting the country and would take steps to remedy the situation. But,Rui Hachimura Jersey, instead, the government is standing behind Minister Rohee compounded with provocative commentary of “let’s get ready to rumble.” This is not boxing. The national security of Guyana and safety of all Guyanese is paramount.Grant said that the organization is calling on President Ramotar to do the right thing,Derrick Favors Jersey, the honourable thing and remove Minister Rohee from the post of Home Affairs Minister.He said that if Minister Rohee truly respects Guyana’s maturing parliamentary democracy and cares for this country as he would have said publicly,Custom Utah Jazz Jerseys, then he would send in his resignation letter.  The people of Guyana deserve better and the democratic will of the majority must be respected and adhered to.Speaker of the National Assembly,Cheap Dortmund Jersey, Raphael Trotman,Discount MLB Apparel, was on Thursday forced to adjourn the sitting of the National Assembly because the opposition parties maintained that they will not allow Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to “utter any word in the House”.Trotman had earlier announced that the President of Guyana was not constitutionally or legally obliged to adhere to the opposition motion of no confidence in Minister Clement Rohee.“I have received the categorical and unequivocal opinion that His Excellency the President is not constitutionally or legally obliged to adhere to the motion and similarly, that the member,Zach Collins Jersey, Mr. Clement J. Rohee, is not restricted from performing the duties of the office of Minister of Home Affairs,”The Speaker said that he had sought legal advice and opinions from lawyers here in Guyana and abroad. He said that this was in keeping with a promise he made at the last sitting that he would have sought legal guidance on the issue.According to Trotman, he consulted Senior Counsel Rex McKay, Attorney Steven Fraser and London-based lawyer Ulele Burnham.During a recent visit to the United Kingdom, Trotman and Parliamentarian Odinga Lumumba approached a British Member of Parliament on the issue of the opposition’s no confidence motion.Page 17

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