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Manager of Training at the Training Division at the Department of Public Services, Jean Carol has disclosed that training personnel within the Public service lacks the necessary monitoring or follow –ups to ensure that staff receives the necessary tools they need to adequately function in their individual areas of work.Carol was at the time testifying before the Commission of Inquiry, (COI) before Professor Harold Lutchman and Commissioners Samuel Goolsaran and Sandra Jones, held at the Ministry of Presidency Department of Public Service Building, Waterloo Street, Georgetown.The Commission  which was established to inquire into, report on and make recommendations on the role, functions, recruitment process, remuneration, conditions and other matters pertaining to the personnel employed in the Guyana Public Service, is slated to take place within the next few months.The exercise is expected to determine measures to improve the efficiency of the public service, to review the methodology used in the classification and recruitment of public servants.The inquiry is also slated to conduct a detailed examination of how the salaries and wages of public servants are determined and allocated; review the age of public servant retirement and make recommendations in this regard.Yesterday, Ms. Carol detailed the properties and responsibilities attached to her department.In response to questions from the panel, the training manager explained that her work entails training staff of the public service domain in matters of adequately interfacing with members of the public,Custom Chicago Bulls Jerseys, capturing people’s attention, how to effectively communicate with persons.Carol said that her subdivision plans and develops training programmes to assist other government ministries with ensuring their mandate is carried out.The witness noted however, that there are usually no follow -ups to lend support to the training programmes.She explained that the Training Division at the Department of Public Services would on an annual basis facilitate several training sessions for the various government agencies.The exercise will include customer care, communications, supervisory training, human resource development training and general accounting procedure training.The manager noted though that the system lacks sufficient human resources to facilitate process and needs assessment or records management, which is critical to evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each agency.Asked whether the programmes are developed based on the past methods, the manager essentially stated that the session is conducted based on a prearranged training plan but there should be follow -ups.“I would personally follow up to see the impact the training has on the various department and get feedback from the staff  on how they might have benefitted from the training,” she said.Meanwhile Senior Personnel Officer Department of Public Service, Carol Sam Moe in detailing the functions and responsibility of her department disclosed that the Public Service Union would usually meet with officials of the Ministry to discuss matters of salary and condition of service within the sector.The Public Service COI is scheduled to continue sessions on Monday.  Then three witnesses will testify.  Among them is Permanent Secretary of the Department Public Services, and PPP candidate Omaf Shareif.

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