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[遊戲] David Njoku Jersey donkey









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發表於 2018-8-3 23:08:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PORT MOURANT,Cheap Jerseys China, CORENTYNE – Port Mourant Market vendors are frustrated with the present state of affairs. The facility is being reconstructed and hucksters must now ply their trade along the road’s shoulder. According to them, they are left in limbo and their daily bread continues to be affected.Savitree Mangre has been vending her ware at the Port Mourant Market since 1985 and believes this is the roughest patch of all.The Port Mourant Market“Is nine months now we out here and the market ain’t finish. Out here on the road is dust, and the dust affecting we. We punishing in the rain and sun.”That is not all, her sales decreased and the open-air condition is not good for the line of goods she sells.Shavtoon Aziiz was at the Port Mourant Market for 27 years but today her profit has reduced drastically. “We getting lots of problems….Yes is better we outside, we still get sales but they tek us out since February 3rd. We start to mek we stall outside and two days later they move we to Race Course and then move we again. They get we like mad people. Then now when the new market done we got to mek we own stall.”Shavtoon Aziz also indicated that in the old facility, people would steal their goods after the close of business but being on the roadside now she has more control over the security of her things.“Them ain’t had no proper security.”Anjanie Mohabir was a vendor at that very facility for 30 years. Her dissatisfaction is the condition they must now operate under.“The weather condition, we in rain and we in sun. We mek less money…all yuh customers gone to Rose Hall Market…and the animal ah eat out yuh thing.”Uttrawattie Kanhai was selling there for 10 years and she said that the damage from roaming animals is high.“igs, donkey,NFL Jerseys Outlet, cow…sun beat yuh greens. Many days yuh got to dump yuh greens because people don’t want to buy it when it in that condition.”She pays $4,000 for a bag of egg plant and before the construction of the market began, she made a $1,000 profit. “Me ah lose from me pocket now.”Over the weekend, Chairman of Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha, indicated that the deadline for completion of the Port Mourant Market is April 24th. So far, 90 percent of the job is completed but he does not believe that the present contractor can finish the job by then.According to the Regional Chairman,Anders Nilsson Jersey, he wants the projects to be completed as soon as possible but he is frustrated with the many promises made to have the job done by a certain time.Then, when the physical structure is finished, vendors must construct their own stalls which would also take some time and would push back the opening date.The Regional Chairman said that the first $98 million contract was awarded to Hassan N. Pasha of Chateau Margot on the East Coast of Demerara early 2009. Initial work began on February 15th, 2009 and was expected to run for nine months – November 15th. The initial job was for the construction of a modern market approximately 15,000 square feet with appropriate sections. New features should consist of an office and permanent market staff along with other amenities.However, work halted sometime in August 2009, allegedly after payment problems and the contract went back to the Tender Board after consultation with representatives of the Caribbean Development Bank.The Regional Chairman indicated that late last year,Wholesale Jerseys China, a new contractor, Sattaur of Essequibo, had signed an agreement with the Basic Needs Trust Fund to complete the venture. Under his guidance, work recommenced in mid-December 2009.According to the Chairman, Contractor Sattaur was expected to finish the $36 million project by the end of January 2010, but that did not happen. Mustapha said that the scope of work is to complete the tarmac,Alexander Nylander Jersey, washroom facilities and fencing.Anjanie Mohabir is pleased with the job done so far by the new contractor.“The first contractor nah do the wuk properly. This new contractor ah do the wuk faster,”Harrynarine Boodram is also in favour of the new contractor, but he feels that the Regional Administration is treating them badly by giving them empty promises.“Since we out here, nobody (Regional Officials) ever come back. They bring we out in the sun and rain and never look back.”The Regional Administration is also hoping to enclose some stalls,China Jerseys Free Shipping, especially those in the haberdashery section. The hucksters are expected to shoulder the responsibility of building their own compartments based on the specifications supplied by the Regional Democratic Council.The Regional Chairman said the present design caters for 750 stalls, while the old one had 450. The Administration is exploring the possibility of acquiring 300 more.The old Port Mourant Market could no longer cater for the amount of vendors plying their trade, especially on Saturday, the biggest day, and many vended their wares on both sides of the Corentyne Highway in the vicinity of the facility. This resulted then and still does in traffic congestion each Saturday.Persons come from all parts of Guyana – including the East Coast of Demerara, East Bank of Essequibo and the Upper Corentyne and the East Bank of Berbice on Saturdays to sell their produce at what the Chairman said is one of the largest open air markets in Guyana.According to Mr. Mustapha, the previous facility was some 20 years old and had deteriorated.

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