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發表於 2018-8-4 05:40:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– parents say police are dragging feet on matterThe parents of a West Berbice teenage girl are desperately appealing to the police to arrest the man who raped their 16- year- old daughter, and bring about some justice once and for all.The teen, of Number 4, West Bank Berbice, had joined a minibus for her home around 6:00pm on Sunday last only to be prevented from leaving the bus when she made her stop.The suspect, ‘Bram- Bram’,wholesale jerseys, in his late 30’s, who is a popular minibus tout in the Rosignol area and well- known to everyone, including the teen, then stopped off at a house at Number 11 Village and stepped out, ordering the terrified teen to follow him.According to the teen, she exited the bus and was trying to cross the road to join another bus to go back to her home, when she was accosted by the man who took her into the house and forced her to have sex with him.“He forced me to go in the yard and he forced me to go inside the house which I didn’t want to go,” she noted.The girl’s father was trying to make contact with her all through the evening but her phone battery had run dead and he could not get through. He, along with the mother, made a report at the Blairmont Police Station, and received information that the girl was at the house at Number 11 Village.Unaccompanied by any police the girl’s relatives decided to act.As they were approaching the house, the man saw them and fled, leaving the teenager inside.According to the victim’s father there were several used condoms in the house.The teenager was taken to the Welfare Department where she was seen by a Probation Officer, who advised her parents to take the necessary steps. The teenager was subsequently medically examined at the Fort Wellington Hospital and then taken to the Blairmont Station.The girl’s relatives are perturbed that to date, the police have not taken a statement about the matter or arrested the alleged perpetrator.“When I called the police and told them that she is being held hostage in the house, the Corporal turned and tell me that sixteen is the age of consent [for sex] but not for marriage and that they don’t have no police at that moment and she will have to contact Fort Wellington,”  the girl’s mother told this newspaper.“I called her back 10 minutes after and said they didn’t get through with any police.”Kaieteur News understands that three photographs of other school girls were found on the walls of the house indicating that the perpetrator had other victims.“Neighbours saw three schoolgirls, on different occasions, going in there and no police came to the scene,” the mother posited.The teen’s aunt was furious. “They cannot go around abusing and raping people girl children. Their parents [are] spending money for their education. That does not give them the right to interfere with them and that is hindering their education. Guyanese children are supposed to be free,” she noted.“No for a woman, is no!” she stated. “A woman has the right to change her mind. He at the tout park up to this afternoon making fun and mockery out of the family,” she stated.“A lot of families probably in this situation but they don’t want to come out because the police don’t give them any justice,” the mother said.“Up to now they haven’t taken a statement, they don’t really care. One of them said, ‘oh, she is sixteen, but, no means no. She was forced to doing something that she didn’t want to, and it leaves to wonder what is really going on in the police force, but they fail to realize they have sisters and other female relatives who might, you know, one day go through the same thing,” the girl’s aunt said.The aunt, who is also a teacher, is very concerned of the number of touts that are in the area and the fact that a number of schoolgirls are found wandering in the area in the afternoons. She questioned what the touts are doing there if they were banned. The girl’s parents said that the house that the “sexual pervert” is taking his victims should be burnt down. The so- called brothel in the area is frequented by the man and neighbours would usually call the police for assistance.“They said they have no ranks available and then later when I called back they said they were on their way but they never turned up. That is why people does take actions in their own hands,” the aunt said. “They just don’t care, they just don’t care.”The girl’s father was very angry about the entire situation and said that if push comes to shove, he plans to “take his own action if there is no action [by the police] and it will be one job, me ain’t lookin’ back!”

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