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發表於 2018-8-4 05:41:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The bullet-riddled body of a 28-year-old wanted man, a murder suspect, was found around 06:00 hrsKilled and dumped in cemetery: Steve Mohamed.yesterday in the Le Repentir Cemetery, Georgetown.The victim has since been identified as Steve Mohamed, called “Cheesy” of Alberttown, Georgetown; Kaneville and Friendship on the East Bank Demerara. He was shot five times to the head and once to the chest.The gruesome discovery was made by someone who was jogging in the area.Kaieteur News understands that detectives found no bullet casings at the scene. This suggests that the victim was executed somewhere else and his killers dumped his body there.Investigators believe that the killing occurred sometime Wednesday night and his lifeless body was taken to the cemetery shortly after he was executed.In 2015, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) had issued a wanted bulletin for Mohamed in relation to investigations into the murder of Quacy Thompson which occurred at Mowasi Landing, Konawaruk.Thompson, a miner, was reportedly involved in an argument with Mohamed during which he was stabbed and shot to his body in July 2014.In October 2014, Mohamed appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and was charged with murder, armed robbery, illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition, and discharging a loaded weapon to prevent a policeman from arresting him.It was alleged that in September 2014, while armed with a gun at Mowasi Backdam, he robbed Akeem Greene of three pennyweight and 11 ounces of raw gold, $75,000 worth in phone cards and $145,000, all totaling $1,220,000.In October of the same year, at Friendship, he discharged a loaded firearm to prevent Sergeant Leon Lindo from lawfully arresting him.According to information received, an intelligence rank from the Guyana Police Force received information that Mohamed was hiding in a house at Friendship and went to the house in disguise. While at the house, the 28-year-old pulled out a gun and discharged rounds at the rank, who returned fire,China Jerseys Authentic, wounding him in the process.He was shot twice and hospitalized at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Steve Mohamed was remanded to prison and he was supposed to be taken to Mahdia to answer the charges for the murder of the miner. He subsequently escaped from police custody. The following year, a wanted bulletin was issued for his arrest.Last February, Mohamed was sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined $200,000 at the end of a trial that went on in his absence.Investigations into his death are ongoing.

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