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發表於 2018-8-4 07:52:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Region Three Democratic Council (RDC) has said that it expects no significant difficulty in collecting the estimated $281.5 million from the 14 different Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC’s) across Region Three.RDC Regional Chairman, Julius Faerber, said that in the past there has been no difficulty in collecting the revenue, so he expects none this year.While the Regional Chairman said that there will always be some defaulters who do not pay their rates and taxes, he said that these defaulters would be written to, informing them of their arrears and then if the defaulters still do not pay,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, legal action would be taken against them.However, he noted that the collection of revenue was a two way process.“The Region needs revenue,” said Faerber,NBA Jerseys From China, “but we want people who say that they cannot pay to come in and discuss why they cannot pay their rates and taxes with us.” He said that the RDC wanted to see how it could work around the difficulties people had, to find some sort of solution that would benefit both the Region and the individual.While each of the 14 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC) across the Region has its own budget, Faerber said that some of the NDCs have had an exceptionally low collection rate. He cited the Toevlugt/Patentia NDC and the La Grange/Nismes NDC.In the past, these NDCs have only collected between 30 and 35 percent of their estimated income. This year, the Region Three RDC plans to work with these NDC’s which have had problems with collection in the past.At the same time,Cheap Jerseys Store, the different NDCs have said that they intend to de-silt and maintain drains and trenches,Cheap Panthers Jerseys, weed and clean parapets, maintain cemeteries and streets,Alan Quine Jersey, as well as collect garbage and dispose of it within their respective communities, with the monies that they intend to collect.The Wakenaam NDC expects to collect $16.8M; the Leguan NDC $21.6M; the Mora/Parika NDC $24.7M; the Hydronie/ Good Hope NDC $20.1M; the Greenwich Park/Vergenoegen NDC $6.4M; the Tuschen/Uitvlugt NDC $22M; the Stewartville/Cornelia Ida NDC $18.7M; the Hague/Blankenburg NDC $29.8M; the La Jalousie/Nouvelle Flanders NDC $16.5M; the Best/Klien Pouderoyen NDC $14.1M; the Malgre Tout/Meer Zorgen NDC $18.7M; the La Grange/Nismes NDC $16.8M; the Canals Polder NDC $12.3M; and the Toevlugt/Patentia NDC $43M.Local authorities have said that their calculations, in order to come to these figures, were based on a number of things,NFL Jerseys From China, including building processing fees, building rental, pound fees, the rental of machinery and equipment, burial ground charges, appraisals in residential areas,Arron Afflalo Jersey, arrears and the interest and fees for application forms.

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