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發表於 2018-8-4 11:10:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Queens, NY- Guyana’s Ambassador to Washington Bayney Karran said distinguished honorees — Dawn Holder-Alert, Dr. Michelle Mickle-Foster, Amlata Persaud and Dr. Alissa Trotz, are emblematic of the tradition of academic and professional excellence with which Queen’s College is synonymous.From left, Karen Wharton, vice president of QCAANY; His Excellency Ambassador Bayney Karran; Amlata Persaud, honoree; Dr. Alissa Trotz, honoree; Clarence Trotz, former head master of QC; Dawn Holder-Alert, honoree; Dr. Michelle Foster, honoree; John Campbell, president of QCAANY and Saran Nurse,Cheap Jerseys From China, treasurer of QCAANY.During his recent remarks at ‘Terrace On the Park’ to commemorate 40 years of co-education and the enrollment of girls at the prestigious high school, Karran added that the alumni are trailblazers and taskmasters in every field of human endeavour as typified by the honorees.The alumnus told the packed Black Tie Gala that it was important for all societies to transcend traditional gender norms and ensure that males and females participate fully and equally in both the public and private spheres.“This celebration of the 40th anniversary of co-education is most appropriate for our school. It is indisputable that coeducation benefits students by reflecting more accurately the social environment that they will encounter in the adult world.”Karran, who said he was honored to share the podium with Clarence Trotz, his former headmaster and outstanding educator, also applauded the QC of Guyana Alumni Association N.Y. Chapter, for planning the auspicious weekend of activities that included a fusion lime, a multi-denominational service and family brunch.Trotz, alumnus and University of Cambridge-educated academic, who served as headmaster in the 1970s, praised his alma mater for the success of co-education, and avowed that over the last three decades women in many countries have excelled academically better than their male counterparts in sciences, engineering, mathematics, and other technological areas.“This revolution has meant that the proverbial academic ‘gender gap’ at universities is steadily narrowing. At Queen’s College, this narrowing has been taking place ever since girls entered the school in 1975,” added Trotz, who noted that the institution had its first female scholars in the early 1980’s.“There can be little doubt that at the present time, the girl component at the school can justifiably pride themselves in the knowledge that they are holding their own in all departments of the life of Queens’ College, especially so in the academic departments, where girls and boys can participate and compete on equal terms,” said the former professor and author.John Campbell, president of the 24-year-old QC of Guyana Alumni Association of New York Chapter, said Trotz positively impacted the lives of each and every one of his students over the years and praised the former physics teacher for his stirring recollection of QC’s co-education journey to success.Trotz was then honored with a plaque from the alumni.The historic event punctuated by nostalgia and the commitment to academic excellence, showcased the talents of former teachers such as Avis Joseph who entertained the patrons with a musical interlude.Carol Cort, Doret Edmonds, Corinne Locke, Deoki Pestano and Carlotta Waterman served as hostesses, while Raphael Lindo, Dr. Nathilee Caldeira, Marsha DeSouza and Stuart Lam presented the honorees with plaques.Executive member Saran Nurse and former student Hugh Hamilton shared emcee duties.Staying true to the school’s mission: To further the interests of the Queen’s College of Guyana, with a view to ensuring its continued high level of contribution to education in Guyana and to help assure the stability of Queen’s College, which contributes to academic excellence in Guyana – and its motto: Fideles Ubique Utiles” (“Loyal and Useful Everywhere”), Karen Wharton, vice president, expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone who worked to make the event “happen.” (caribbeanlifenews.com)

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