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– as IMC, BCCI echo concerns over lack of political dialogueThe Bartica Interim Management Committee (IMC) is likely to start the New Year looking for a new officer. According to reports reaching this publication, its Public Relations and Press Officer,NFL Jerseys China, Sherywn Downer, has tendered his resignation.The very vocal Downer tendered his resignation to Chairman of the IMC, Ovid Benjamin, during an Extraordinary Council meeting earlier this month.  Once accepted, the resignation is slated to become effective on December 31, 2014.Downer in recent months had embraced a proactive stance as part of a strategic tactic to amplify the importance of the IMC even as he sought to debunk reports from some opposing factions that the entity was not as efficient as it was being touted.At the Extraordinary Council meeting, this publication was informed that a review of the strategies of the IMC was on the agenda, as well as the performance of councillors. A work plan for the New Year was up for intense discussion.But even as the date for his departure nears, Downer has maintained a vibrant public relations campaign in favour of the IMC.In a statement, he insisted that inclement weather will have little to no effect on the Region Seven area of Bartica, as the IMC has long been putting strategic measures in place to ensure that the drainage system there is functional.The efforts of the IMC have been characterised by ongoing desilting works which have been proving to be effective so much so that the environment has been able to withstand unexpected rainy weather patterns.The maintenance work, including the clearing of drains, outfalls and kokers have been particularly evident in central Bartica and was being done as a proactive tactic to combat the eventuality of heavy rainfall. This is in spite of the fact that heavy rains usually do not affect the Region Seven area as obtains in some other sections of the country, according to Downer.Nevertheless, he pointed out in the statement that since the IMC was not prepared to take any chances, efforts were engaged to maintain the integrity of the draining system.The body has therefore assured all Barticians that the IMC “will continue to be prepared as it will maintain a hands-on approach to the situation.”Moreover, as part of its continued efforts, the IMC has been closely monitoring the weather. “Barticians can rest assured that all of the IMC maintenance workers are on standby and can be called upon at anytime as residents and Bartica’s interest is first and foremost on the IMC’s agenda,” outlined the statement.It was highlighted, too, that “the Bartica IMC has had a successful 2014 and is happy to report to Barticians that 95 per cent of maintenance works were completed. This could not have been successful without the support and contribution of all residents and the business community.” As such the IMC has expressed sincere gratitude to the Bartica community for what it described as “unwavering support in helping to make 2014 a successful year…”Another matter that has been gaining the attention of both the IMC and the Bartica Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is the lack of dialogue between political parties.  The two bodies are very disappointed and saddened that political maturity has not been forthcoming in light of the fact that there has been no dialogue in the interest of the nation. Rather what is being seen is that politicians are on a mission to advance their personal interests and agenda.“The IMC/BCCI welcomes and is encouraged by the President’s announcement to name a date for elections in the New Year…This is a sign that we are going in the right direction towards our country’s development and peace of mind for citizen.”Moreover, the IMC and the BCCI said that they are together prepared to respect the judgement and constitutional rights of the President to suspend the legislative branch of Government.The IMC and BCCI through its spokesman, Downer, said that they are calling for “calm and patience from members of the opposing side of the suspended House of representatives and not engage actions or activities that can hinder or undermine our country’s progress and future developments.”

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