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發表於 2018-8-4 23:25:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency, Omar Sharief, yesterday told the Commission of Inquiry, (COI) into the Public Service of a need to create a civil workforce that is flexible and capable of functioning in multiple capacities.Sharief has been Permanent Secretary, (PS) at the Ministry of the Presidency formerly known as Office of the President, (OP) for the past four years.  He had worked under the previous government.As Sharief detailed his qualification and experience, working in the public service, he told the Commission that he also holds the position of accounting officer at the Ministry of the Presidency.In response to questions posed by members of the Commission, Sharief said that a worker’s contribution will not be optimized if he remains in one position for too long.He said that a high level of political will, adequate training and flexibility in the system of management of civil service workers is necessary for an efficient and proficient public sector.According to the Permanent Secretary, there should be no fixed procedure to choose officers suitable for positions with the sector. “The task is finding the person who would get the job done.”Permanent Secretary in the Department of Public Service within the Ministry of the Presidency, Reginald Brotherson, detailed to the Commission, his experience working in various capacities in the sector.He said that he has at least 33 years experience working in junior, middle and senior management levels within the sector.The Public Service Department head listed his qualifications and touted his wealth of knowledge of the local public service system.As Permanent Secretary, Brotherson said he is responsible for guidance, managing resources, implementing policies and advising his subject Minister on those polices.“As a Permanent Secretary, you recognize that management and guidance are crucial to the operation of a public service.”Brotherson said that while the Public Service Commission,(PSC)is required to appoint public officers within the sector, some senior officers were contracted via approval by the President.He however noted that he is not aware of any person currently being appointed at that level, by the President.The difference between the contracted senior officials and those who were appointed traditionally by the PSC, Brotherson said, is that traditional workers would have a greater merit and grasp of managing people and resources in the public service.Chairman of the Commission, Profession Harold Lutchman, then inquired of the witness about workers’ rights, whether he believes there should be greater measures to protect civil servants.There are mechanisms in place to protect workers rights when the need arises, Brotherson said.  He listed the public service rules, union and constitution, as some means by which workers can be safeguarded in such periods.Speaking specifically about the tendency of civil servants to gravitate towards the powers that be or government of the day,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,  Prof Lutchman said that certain category of public servants are prohibited from holding office in any political organisation, speak publicly on matters of political  controversy, writing letters,  books or articles on political matter  that show support for political candidates.The Permanent Secretary said that there were instances of people resigning to participate in political campaigns.Brotherson said however that the moral conscience of such individuals should not permit them to continue working.The hearings into the operations are set to continue today. The Commission was established to inquire into, report on and make recommendations on the role, functions, recruitment process, remuneration, conditions and other matters pertaining to the personnel employed in the Guyana Public Service.The COI is also expected to determine measures to improve the efficiency of the public service, to review the methodology used in the classification and recruitment of public servants.The inquiry is also slated to conduct a detailed examination of how the salaries and wages of public servants are determined and allocated; review the age of public servant retirement and make recommendations in this regard.Following his appointment to office in May, President David Granger stressed the need for a more efficient and satisfactory public service.

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