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發表於 2018-8-5 06:12:56 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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A post mortem examination conducted on 22-year-old Shiraz “Amir” Ali yesterday morning by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh revealed that the cause of death was multiple incised wounds.Shiraz AliAccording to reports, these stab wounds were most likely delivered while Ali lay face down on his bed,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, after which the killer(s) left his body in the same position.The body of the cash crop farmer,Jeff Green Jersey, who resided at Lot Two Good Hope Railway Embankment,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, East Coast Demerara,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, was discovered on Monday by his mother.The body could be seen in close proximity to some burnt wires and relatives at first posited that he was electrocuted.Police however said that Ali was stabbed four times to the back,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, once to the neck and left side temple.Police sources said there were no signs of forced entry, leading investigators to suspect that Ali’s killer was known to him. The house was also ransacked.Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, confirmed that the man’s death was as a result of multiple incised wounds,Cheap Jerseys From China, consistent with being stabbed.Blanhum also revealed that the victim was attacked from behind, a consideration from the way the injuries were inflicted.Kaieteur News understands that a hammer and a knife in addition to cigarette butts, were removed from the scene, for possible DNA testing.When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene,Custom Orlando Magic Jerseys, curious onlookers could be seen in the yard and in the doorway of the blood stained room.According to the tearful mother, Bibi Hamid, she traveled to her son’s home on Monday morning after repeated efforts to call his phone failed. She had last seen him on Saturday.“I called his phone (Monday morning) and it (was) ringing out. I called the neighbours and them say them come over and call and they not hearing nothing. My mind say, ‘Let me come at the house and see what happen’. My son must tell me where he going if he left to go anywhere.”Hamid related that when she pushed the bedroom door it was to discover her son’s bloodstained body.Other onlookers strongly ruled out suicide. They also mentioned that Ali had no known enemies. They noted that the youth would attend Masjid regularly.One neighbour said he last saw Ali on Sunday burning refuse near to the row of farm beds in his yard.“Is till when I hear the mother hollering I know something wrong.” He said that he noticed no unusual activity around the house on Sunday night.

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