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發表於 2018-8-5 09:07:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bandits carted off millions of dollars in valuables twice this month after they descended unto ‘Gliterz Fashion’ located at Light and Lamaha Streets, Alberttown.Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, burglars with bicycles entered the business premises by breaking into an entrance on the veranda in the upper flat of the building. Bags of designers clothing were packed and taken away.According to the proprietor of the business, Toolsie Persaud, he received a telephone call from the security guard in the wee hours of Friday morning that someone had broken into his business establishment.After racing down to his business premises, Persaud said that the security guard told him the direction in which one of the bandits had escaped. He managed to catch up with one of the men on a bicycle with the large bag of clothing. However, the bandit dropped his bicycle with the bag and made good his escape.He explained that on February 5,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, last, two gunmen hit his business at midday. The men managed to tie up his girlfriend and her brother and place them inside a room inside the store.“They taped them up and carry them at the back and empty the store. I lost $8M then and I was now beginning to restock and now they carried away over $1M in stocks.” According to the security guard, he saw two men standing in front of the business around 2:30 hrs. He confronted one of the men to enquire why they were waiting in front of the building, and he was told by one of the men that they were awaiting the arrival of a truck to pick them up to carry them into the bush.He explained that rain began to fall for 15 minutes and he took shelter at the side of the building. After the rain stopped he saw the two men still standing in front the building.After awhile a police patrol passed and stopped to enquire why the men were standing there, and they were searched. However, since the police found nothing on them they were left alone.The guard said minutes later, the men separated. He said that he noticed one went into Light Street while the other was over the other side of the road.  He said his suspicions grew and he peered into the building and noticed that there was something out of place inside of the business establishment.“I then went behind a post and called the boss. I tell he come fast somebody deh inside the building…Five minutes after I see a man on the veranda start to throw down bags. He tell me ‘Short man, I hide some copper wire up here.’ I say cooper wire in the man house? What you doing up deh! Another man then pull up with a cycle and collected a bag and ride off. Then the other one come down and I grab the bag from he and he ride away. Then the boss man reach and chase one of them.”Police visited the business establishment yesterday and took statements and uplifted fingerprints from the crime scene.

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