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發表於 2018-8-5 17:58:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Heritage Society and the European Union,Cheap NHL Jerseys, in collaboration with the National Trust of Guyana,cheap jerseys, will jointly produce a book on shared Guyanese and European cultural heritage.EU Ambassador Jernej Videtiè presents copies of the terms of reference to Minister Nicolette Henry in the presence of Ben ter Welle and Nirvana Persaud.The publication will include a number of themes relating to periods of significant cultural or historical interest for the shared heritage of Guyana and Europe,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, according to the EU.Guyana’s relationship with Europe stretches back to the 15th century when Spanish explorers arrived at the mouth of the Essequibo, and Spanish,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Portuguese,China Jerseys NFL, French,Marshon Lattimore Jersey, Dutch and British influences partially shaped the county’s heritage and culture.There are many locations within the country including towns, islands and forts whose names and appearance reflect the influence of various European countries throughout different periods of history.Nicolette Henry, Minister within the Ministry of Education, and Ambassador Jernej Videtiè of the European Union, together with Ben ter Welle of the Guyana Heritage Society (GHS) and Nirvana Persaud of the Guyana National Trust, met yesterday for the official signing ceremony for the Terms of Reference for the production of the book.The EU will contribute approximately $4.3 million,NFL Jerseys Cheap, while the GHS will contribute approximately $900,000 towards the initiative. It is envisaged that the book will be published in August 2016, with 1,500 copies to be printed.Ambassador Videtiè noted that one of the purposes of the collaboration is to “make a contribution towards the celebration of Guyana’s 50th Anniversary of Independence in 2016 by publishing a book that highlights the shared Guyanese and European cultural heritage stretching over 350 years.This initiative shall help raise awareness of the rich joint cultural heritage we share and instill a sense of pride in this heritage. It shall also be beneficial in bringing this cultural heritage to the attention of a wider public beyond Guyana and help promote tourism for the beautiful land of Guyana”.

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